social combat

We knew Biden wasn’t going to be great, but at least we can admit it. 100% of the problems you list there, though, were problems before Biden took office. They’re literally a direct result of Trump’s blunders. Be a man and admit that, instead of a whiny finger-pointing child.


Impressive of Biden to achieve all that in barely six months. Absolutely nothing to do with the clown that was in charge for the four years before that eh?

Hominem unius libri timeo (I fear the man of a single book)-attributed to St Thomas Aquinas.

I kept reading and waiting for the punchline and I got to the end and realized it wasn't a bit and I was sad.

What an absolutely weird and baseless take on these games and difficulty in games. 

Or they just find it fun to overcome challenges in the games they play? Awfully judgmental of you.

Why not just summon a bunch of people and cheese the bosses then when you think it’s necessary? That option have been available for all Souls game. I think you are blocking yourself tbh... just go for it and if you don’t get the fight in 2 to 3 times summon people and gg. I think they managed to solve this a while ago

How dare people derive enjoyment from a hobby. This is a gross take. Stop projecting and putting others down to satisfy your own entitlement.

I love the Dark Souls games. I HATED Sekiro mainly because the only way to proceed is to master the block timing which is fine but it was just not well balanced. Dark Souls had different ways of planning. Sekiro was just plain unfair at points and arbitrarily difficult. Sorry but a ninja that cannot dodge is not a


We know what measles and polio are and have known for quite some time. We know how to protect people against those diseases. We know what happens if we don’t protect people against them.

Back then, no one knew what HIV was and didn’t try to because it was

Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”

Refutation of point 1:

I love him, personally, but apparently half the OW team agrees with you. The other half thinks he’s the best thing ever.

I wish they would just refer to the character as “Hammond” instead of “Wrecking Ball.” It rolls off the tongue easier and besides it’s not like D.Va is called “Mech” or Reinhardt “Power Armor” or whatever.

I can find countless pictures of the Mona Lisa online, the value of the original has not decreased.

plus, if something never gets released, it never gets popular, and thus there is no demand for OOAK collectables

I’m not 100% sure about that, though. What if that album leaked, became extremely popular, and thus the original gold disc actually went up in value? I could see that happening, too.

This never really happens. Nobody who would pay a zillion dollars for that album will be satisfied with just buying the songs from iTunes. Earthbound prices didn’t drop when that game was released on Virtual Console. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on PS2 didn’t drop in price when it hit PSN and Xbox Live Arcade either. You can

Did he really own the games in the first place? Had he purchased the copyright and trademarks? Or was he just sitting on a copy of it that he’d found?