social combat

Except that adding difficulty sliders means the devs have to put more time into balancing each of the difficulty levels. That’s time taken away from making one very good experience at a chosen difficulty level. That means less content, less polish, and the difficulty sliders they pick don’t have as much time put into

Souls games have always had a difficulty slider, though, in three forms; 1, summon help; 2, grind a little (not much!); 3, use a build guide and use a broken build, there’s at least a couple in every game. There are ways to ameliorate the difficulty, it’s just not a slider. And honestly, difficulty sliders are almost

This is a spicy take and also complete bullshit. I am perfectly content with my level of success in life. I also happen to love difficult games. I can get a sense of accomplishment out of my life and also want a sense of accomplishment out of playing a difficult game. The two are not mutually exclusive.


*poring over

I completely agree.  I think Wrecking Ball is a weird and impersonal moniker.  I prefer Hammond.

I think the door to Jetpack Cat just opened a mite.

Disappointed in the lack of stealth. Sounds like much more of a kick-in-the-door style of gamellay, which is not my cup-o-tea. Oh well. Maybe someday I’ll have my perfect technoir thriller!

Games were meant to be played.

Yet another Jedi-centric Star Wars game. I’m uninterested in anything Star Wars since 1313 got cancelled.

Wait. VCR?

The number of posters on this article with an “eat the poor” philosophy are astounding.

What’s to manage? Cut a check to everyone once a month. It’s pretty fucking simple. It eliminates all the red tape and paperwork and quite frankly additional stress caused to impoverished Americans who never stood a fucking chance in this system. It’s an equalizing force that will lower crime and increase outcomes

G O O D B O Y E 👍👍👍

I don’t know what the specific song was, but the coffee shop represents the college, like it or not. They’re more than allowed to determine what music does or does not get played. If this guy - douchenozzle or not - felt playing that song (and rightly assumed they played that type of music all the time) reflected

Our President.

This is the Great Filter in action, folks. When the people with the death weapons are this unstable, we’re all doomed to die before entering the true Space Age.

Our education system sucks and reality TV is making already stupid Americans dumber by the day. Not to mention rampant anti-intellectualism and an entire segment of the country who believes their Skylord hates Books (except a few).

I mean but this is basic level Street Fighter shit. Like “engine goes in front a lot of the time, but sometimes also in back.”

I wouldn’t be a billionaire. It takes 30-50,000 to live in this country. What the fuck do I need a billion dollars for? This narrative is batshit insane and giving the greediest among us a free pass to destroy the economy and the country. Job creators my ass.