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The off-road experience is miserable. The FX4's “Off-Road” Rancho shocks are too stiff for fast cycles and the body’s cumbersome no matter how many cameras it’s wearing.

I stand corrected; I glanced at a build summary someone posted in the comments above and it listed 5-spd auto. I failed to see that was for a 2015. Glad to see it at least has a modern transmission, although I’d take the old 5-spd over the crap CVT transmissions Nissan seems to love so much. I’d even take a Chrysler

Maybe flat plane cranks are the problem and are the reason Ferraris tend to self-immolate.

I agree this is a beigemobile as far as SUVs go, but have you gone car shopping recently? $45K isn’t that extreme, especially when you can tart up a Suburban, call it an Escalade, and successfully sell it for $95K.

The American spec version is a complete joke. Almost zero suspension articulation or travel, no locker options, an archaic 5-speed auto when everyone else has at least 6-speeds, and a design that looks 10 years dated, but this is Nissan we’re talking about; look at their new “HD” Titans.

I was just going to say it must be some rich hipsters, since PBR is now the “hip” beer to drink. Although since it has gotten so popular again, many hipsters have switched to Raineer or Olympia. Funny thing is I believe all three of these are brewed in the same factory.

You must be a big hit at parties...

Like buying a British classic?

I have to agree 100%; cars are meant to be driven. If they’re just parked and always on display, what good are they?

I can’t stand Prii, but I’d buy and drive a 2 year old one for $12K. I just sold my ‘96 F250 with 205K on the clock for almost that!

Sounds like you chose the wrong degree...

With the fire sales VW is having, I would be half tempted to dump my RS order in favor of a Golf R that’s already on the lot if I was in the market for one of these cars.

This is nothing new for Ford. I pre-ordered my ST the day the order banks opened in May of 2012 and got the run around, both from my dealer and Ford Customer Service on its delivery status until it finally showed up at the tail end of October.

Maybe it still happens. My ‘16 F350 had a small patch of rust on the floorboard of the cab brand new off the lot that the dealer had to clean up and seal under warranty.

Unless you drive a full size truck or SUV...

No, they won’t, because the 100's of cops sitting on the side of the road every day waiting to write tickets for driving 5 mph over the speed limit would be out of a job, and they certainly won’t stand for that.

Because I have had my Kinja account longer than I’ve owned the truck. If it I did change my handle, it’d be PDX-6.7.

Not me. I’m happy with my current house and don’t plan to move until retirement. Although once this one is paid off, I may start looking for some investment properties.

There will be plenty of RS’s left in 10 years; look at how many of the previous gens still roam around Europe. SRT-4's are already gone because they were cheap to buy new and even cheaper once depreciation took its toll in the used market.

They just like driving them. So what. Same for camaro and mustang drivers.