
I would have regained consciousness with a code brown.

And no CVT. CVT’s are like condoms, I do not use them.

I haven’t the foggiest idea what’s happening.

Sleeper COTD.

And this, children, is where crossovers come from.

I mean really... how in the Hell did whatever happened end in this fashion?

Muddin’ is so 2015.

We go VW’n now.

It’s not a wreck. It’s just trying to hide on top of other cars from a nearby Mustang.

I’m calling B.S.. Not on the fender-bender woes; on the “mildly rusty CJ7". As the previous owner of two CJ7s, I know that there’s no such thing as mildly rusty. There’s pristine Arizona CJ that’s never seen rain or road salt, and there’s “I can watch the front and rear tires climbing these rocks through the holes in

My mind is boggled at the comments I’m reading down here. Everything from “he’s an asshole,” to “he doesn’t care about his kids safety.”

What. The. Fuck. Are you people serious?!

1. The kids seem to be having fun. Hell, I’d love to try this challenge. I dunno any kid that wouldn’t find this amusing.

2. The dad seems to

Tire swaps are truly Herculean tasks. Doing that twice a year? Unthinkable.

My neighbor (also family man) just bought an ST a few months ago. I was chatting with him about it and said something like “sport family car” and his wife just looked at me and rolled her eyes. He traded in a Subaru Outback for it and they both said they’re already missing the space and comfort. I assume it's doubly

The sub-group is called “morons” I presume?

Last Wednesday, I watched a 20 something in a Mini cut off the guy in front of me right after the light turned green. Mini guy was in the right lane and decided, 8 car lengths from the intersection, that he HAD to turn left. Light turned green, Mini guy punches it and cuts across two lanes. Little did he realize that

That's...not a hot take. That's exactly what he is lol.

Must have a Tesla autopark system.

So many buttons. Reminds me of my old Audi...


Always wondered stuff like that...like, it was all tested, but using it in full is the kind of trial run you don’t want to have.