
Try tapping the corner of the garage door and costing yourself $1,400 in repairs just for a cracked valence and slightly damaged rear bumper that can’t be salvaged on an ST. Really makes me appreciate the backup camera and park sensors on my truck.

So true. My dad had an older Wrangler with a rear-mounted spare that was obviously dry rotted and wouldn’t hold air the entire time he owned it. I was always hesitant going out on trail, knowing that if we got a flat, we were screwed. Fortunately he lucked out and never had an issue the entire time he owned it.

You get a star for the meme!

Well that box truck he barely squeezed around at the end of the clip almost granted you your wish. I was actually hoping to see the box truck take that ass out and send him and his bike sprawling across the intersection.

There’s no problem with rear seat room for normal sized adults in an ST/RS. I’m 5'8" and haven’t had any issues riding in the back of my buddy’s ST quite a bit. You start running into problems if you have tall front and rear passengers.

LOL! I’ve found most “pro” mechanics are hacks and I have much better results doing the work myself as a home mechanic working with basic tools and learning as I go.

Great screen name and avatar BTW! I often miss my Omni GLH Turbo. This is the only picture I have of it readily accessible. I took this as it was being towed away by the new owner. The trailer in the bed of the truck was towed many thousands of miles by mine and my friend’s Omnis and Neons.

I was just going to say the heat shrink butt connectors from Harbor Freight are awesome and my go-to solution as well. Add a little bit of marine grade heat shrink (also from HF) on top of the connection, and theoretically you should never have to deal with it again.

I haven’t used solder on any of my recent car wiring projects either. I’m much more in favor of using waterproof crimp butt connectors and then adding a layer of marine grade heat shrink over the connector themselves. No way are those joints ever going to fail or become waterlogged, and you can make these connections

Seeing this swap gave me the idea of swapping a Coyote crate motor into this, rebadging it a 750, and have fun with the trolling.

I wouldn’t worry about it, especially if you’re just towing a small tire trailer that will likely weigh in way less than 800 pounds fully loaded. I’m willing to bet U-Haul would even rent a BRZ owner one of their small enclosed utility trailers.

Every insurance policy I have ever had extends liability coverage to whatever is being towed. I do have full comp/collision coverage on my travel trailer to cover any damage that might occur to it. As far as coverage of the personal contents inside, homeowners/renters insurance should kick in if there was no full

Welcome to the hell all of us that tow RVs know as “trailer service tires.” Pretty much all of them are garbage, you’re limited to 65 MPH (even though many people tow way faster), and you’re almost guaranteed a blowout or at least a flat at some point if you tow frequently enough.

Wow! I see lots of jealousy surrounding truck owners. Maybe one day you, too, will actually be able to buy one so you can feel like you fit in.

What do I plan on doing? Not buying an Apple product. Never owned one and certainly don’t see the need to buy one now.

Too bad I was too late for the video...

I’m not so sure about that. My truck has 440 hp and 860 lb-ft of torque, cost twice what my ST did, yet is no more to insure.

Just so you all know, I’m going to be doing my part this weekend by using my diesel guzzling truck to tow my large camping trailer a couple hundred miles to a campground, where I will be meeting up with several others towing equally as large trailers with their equally big trucks so we can spend the Labor Day weekend

How do you know he is actually going to be the one driving it, and if he is, he is quite possibly more than capable.

You’re probably right, but it makes no sense that gas prices drive demand the way they do; they are such an inconsequential expense compared to the monthly payment on a fancy new car, even at $5/gallon.