
This is Jalopnik, I think you meant to post this BS on Gawker.

Haha! I had to do that once with a Fusion loaner I got while my ST was getting some warranty work. When they grabbed the keys they notice it hadn’t been washed from the previous rental. I told them that was okay, because how bad can it be? It was! I swear whoever drove it before me must have had a pack of dogs running

I have to admit I just got done detailing my truck that took a total of 12 hours over the course of 3 days and I didn’t even get a chance to tackle the engine bay.

I’m not sure but that guy ruined a perfectly good Gen 1 SHO.

That would annoy the crap out of me. I had a hard time buying an automatic with my new truck, but I’m glad it’s a traditional column shift. I often open the driver’s door when backing up my trailers, and although I get a warning message on the dash to shift into park, at least it doesn’t decide to just do it for me.

This is definitely a problem. I just about got taken out by a new Mazda 3 early one morning on my bike. What I thought was a break in traffic for me to merge and make a left was actually this Mazda 3 running blacked out. I was barely able to swerve back out of the way in time and it scared the crap out of me. I was

I agree with you there! Funny how hypocritical most countries people are.

LOL! I’d be fine with that.

Unlike the US, European countries don’t let illegals just hang out indefinitely in their countries.

Less than a 3% loss is a whole lot of money? I think not; that’s just a small blip. A 10%+ drop would be something to worry about. I’m willing to bet a good portion of this 3% loss will be made up before the markets close today.

You’re an idiot.

Got stuck in the grays when I responded to the first article, so I’m reposting:

What a complete idiot of a driver in the Lexus! I wish the dash cam footage was a bit more clear to get a plate number.

Guarantee this SUV with a camera is easier to park than my ST without one.

In the greys, oh Kinja how I hate you...

Oregon Dunes March of this year. I had had enough of almost getting stuck several times that day, so I was avoiding the dunes and sticking to the flats on sand that looked solid, yet found a spot that wasn’t. After a 1/2 hour of “dig out front end, attempt to yank out backwards with friend’s, Raptor, repeat,” I was

Yet they’re allowed on wilderness trails and mountain bikes aren’t. Makes no sense to me.

I’ve noticed the same thing with newer cars. It’s really sad when my new crew cab Super Duty on 35's is easier to drive and park than my Focus ST simply because I can actually see all four corners of the truck. The backup camera helps immensely, too, and I wish that was available on the ST for ‘13.

Wow! Someone must have forgotten to take their meds before logging in to post...

My guess is the high idle and rough sounding exhaust note is simply due to a cold start. I bet once it’s warm, it idles fine and sounds like any other ‘Vette of the era.

All my cars sound “off” when first fired up from a cold start until they get a chance to warm up a little, and that’s from a ‘84 BMW 733i with 220K+