
Just wait a year. First year production is limited, but supposedly next year Ford is willing to build as many as people will buy, which means no dealer markup BS either. I have a feeling a lot of the RS’s showing up at dealer lots that aren’t special orders are going to be languishing there for quite some time with

Packaging issues as in it stuffs the engine bay completely full?

God I’d love to have one of those to fix up! I’ve never seen a 4wd dually version.

This applies to STI, EVO, BMW, and Audi as well. So maybe it’s not the actual car, and just the crowd that typically gets attracted to them.

So wives and kids must be home before 7:30 PM? Because I’ve seen a DUI checkpoint in Sacramento set up and pulling people in at that time. Coincidentally, that’s the only DUI checkpoint I’ve ever seen, and it was interesting to watch as we were sitting outside eating dinner.

Physics and facts? We don’t need those any more; it’s much better just to throw out random, emotional statements that sound good and get people to react.

1st Gear: Another Takata Death

I took better care of my cars than anyone in my family as a teenager and still do, but that’s probably because I’m the only car guy in the family. My cars also get driven much harder though, whether its an autocross or track day in the ST or the sand dunes, forest service road, or a trail in Moab in the F350.

Yep, I’m the reason I would never want to buy a rental car. Funny thing is there was zero damage done to the car, and once I ran it through the carwash, it was cleaner than when I picked it up.

Yep that friend was me, and my tires were at about 20 before I ended up in this clusterf**k; as low as I dared to take them as much as they were bulging on the compacted sand.

Found a pic of the Grand Marquis in all its glory!

So he’s basically doing the exact same thing every other presidential candidate (and politician) is doing, huh? What a shocker!

Haha! I talked my mom and one of her friends into coming out to a RallyCross event where we were using a rental Grand Marquis as the race car. She about lost it when I took her on a lap and kept yelling at me to slow down. She was scared out of her mind, but I think she still enjoyed it. Her friend got in the car for

Not a big fan of electric cars either, and frankly tired of Jalopnik gushing all over Tesla; you’d swear they were getting paid to advertise for them.

Electric cars have their place, and when Fiat had the $99/month lease for the 500e, I was tempted, as that would be a perfect commute vehicle for me. Unfortunately OR

You do realize that this is Utah we’re talking about, and the strongest stuff you can get on draft is only 4.0% ABV.

Yeah, I don’t understand the trend on this site lately calling everything remotely resembling a pickup a bro truck. I’m sure my truck would be labeled as one, too.

Like what? Sitting on the side of the road all day doing nothing but issuing tickets for someone driving 56 in a 55?

Why do these shit stories keep getting posted to Jalopnik?


No, it’s better than any GTI of the era. Heck, even an N/A GLH was faster than any GTI of the same year.

Huh, sounds a lot like my ST! That’s probably why I bought it since I enjoyed owning a GLH for ten or so years.