
I thought Hanzo Hattori stopped making french-fry and bacon knives.

If you disgorge an antelope, does that mean it’s a cantaloupe?

Oh sir, just one antelope...it’s only wafer thin!

Space arms are cool but I’m pretty sure this guy is the point of national pride for their space program.

Voted against pi day, or truly honored it by being irrational?

He’s a rampaging douchebag...

Let them rage... deep down they know they’re wrong. I like pizza and I like pineapple, but good god, not together!

Dude. Checking in from Bloomington, IN, to advise you that, yeah, we’re pretty super-pissed at this guy, and we’re having marches and demonstrations and such.

It was.

I also suggest using white pepper just for added punch.

in place of butter :)

you can use almost any fat to make a roux, really - but for a white roux it’s best to stick to butter variants (whole butter, clarified, or ghee).

For a subtle nuttiness, use 1:1 ghee to AP flour. It’s not going to be as intense as a darker roux, but it’ll be just different enough.

And always add the nutmeg.

Now playing

Here is a link to the YouTube video.

Here is a link to the YouTube video.

Umm... isn’t this a genuine taco?

It’s not sabotage if God wills it.

Pretty impressive, especially considering his blatant disregard for the second amendment.