
Yeah, I don’t know that there’s a set definition of “business hotel,” (though here’s one explanation); I think they just mean hotels that typically cater to people traveling for business, usually located downtown or in business districts. I agree about mid-range hotels, though. It’s interesting that they often offer

After the TMP uniforms, it’s DS9/Voyager for me. I epsecially like B’elanna’s engineering overcoat with the tool pockets — comfortable-looking and practical.

I do like the updated look of the crew in the upcoming movie. But this (so far) has been the high-water mark for Starfleet uniforms, in my opinion:

Windows 3.1 and apps shouldn't belong in the same sentence. They were programs or software.


“Go away, batin’!”

Like hell it ain’t. Customized Widgets are the shiznit, you heathen!

I call it “two dollars to daydream.” I know I’m not going to win, but I’ll buy a ticket then drive home thinking about all the fun ways I can spend that money. For me, that daydream is worth the $2.

We had a long term rental Grand Caravan at my previous job. Fantastic car for the job. Comfortable, stable, and powerful enough for long trips to our out-of-state suppliers, plenty of room and Stow n Go for hauling parts, and a nice enough interior for visitors from our parent company. I’m sad to see it go.

I love you, man. Like you, I DGAF what other folks say. My rental of choice is always a minivan. I had a T&C over the weekend - 1350 miles down to Florida and back....no kids, me and a buddy and some slightly bulky stuff. 25 mpg at 80 mph, able to carry five of my knucklehead friends at Cocoa Beach.

I use my Garmin for everything and leave my phone where it needs to be, in my pocket talking via bluetooth to my hands free or charging. The dedicated PND stays in the car (but moves to the rentals), has an interface that works for my vision and fingers, has lifetime maps and traffic. It’s always in the car, it’s

Who is this slut and asshole?

The $5 for Power Director is not bad considering it solves the soundtrack/effects problem of Adobe’s offering. I have been using Power Director for awhile since it was the first good one to come along. It’s super easy to use and they add stuff to it all the time without making it an in-app purchase. In other words it

“We”? What “we”? I want “tentpole pew pew pew ka-boooom!” with cheesy one-liners, over-the-top special effects and people taking their clothes off for no reason. There’s place for intelligent, thought-provoking film and it’s called PBS.

the article is all chopped up, please proof-read and edit

Another good story is that LAX isn’t LA’s first commercial airport. That honor likely goes to the old Grand Central Airport (although there is some debate about that), which was located in Glendale. It’s often the airport you see in movies of the era, featuring glamorous celebs partaking in the insane luxury of human

Or Hadden.