
Well, in my experience with a large layoff, the "HR team" that does the laying off aren't actually members of the company's HR department.  They are hired consultants (think The Bobs from Office Space) that do the laying off for the company because either the HR team is too involved with those being laid off and it

I was hoping to see a “please take a shower and/or put on some deodorant” mention but I’m guessing that is more of a GenCon sort of request, having never been to SDCC yet. You’d think that personal hygiene was a given but apparently some of the attendees of that Con don’t get the memo and the smell is quite horrendous.

When I first met my ex-wife, she was on WIC for her two girls and one of the items she always got but never used was Evaporated Milk. Using that in place of regular milk made a HUGE difference in the creaminess of Kraft Mac & Cheese/Kraft Dinner.

Hummm...I’m not sure Sara Connor going after Miles Dyson falls into your analogy, at least for me. There’s still major plot left in the ensuing scenes, up-to-and-including Miles agreeing to help stop Judgment Day. I would say when Miles dies and blows up Cyberdyne is when I get that feeling of dread that the movie is

You’ve obviously never gotten into an argument about when is the best time to ride The Beast at Kings Island (the correct answer is at night, just before closing, after a rainstorm)

I went a couple years back fully intending on hating every minute of it because it just felt like an extremely expensive tourist trap and I absolutely loathed the idea of spending over $1,000 for a family of 5 for 2 days of fighting massive crowds and enduring the sweltering heat of mid-summer Florida. I went in with

Absolutely this.  I was getting chills as it happened with a big smile on my face, but once she smiled, with those beautifully big, wet eyes glistening in the fire, I felt a tear shed.  It was a powerful moment, and probably one of the first from this show that actually grabbed me at my core.

I did a little Googling and apparently she is a China-based maker/sexy girl who had a pretty popular Patreon setup to showcase her wares.  From what I’ve read, she apparently posted someone’s address (don’t know much about it) and Patreon terminated her account for perceived doxxing.  Judging by the amount of support

Well if I’m in a job or relationship/marriage that has that many annoyances, maybe that’s an indication I shouldn’t be involved with them at all. Sorry, not trying to argue your position, just find the idea of ignoring human rights violations of some over those of others a rather shitty way to be a world leader, but I

I guess I see it in the opposite view...if we’re NOT going to intervene in injustices B-Z then why intervene in A? Perhaps assigning importance on injustices is a shitty foreign policy to have. 

That is unequivocally NOT Chili's skillet queso recipe.  It's quite literally Velveeta, Hormel No Beans Chili, and some added spices.  That's it. Not sure what the hell she made but it sounds like puke to me.

There’s my congressman........sigh

Compensation for lost value is one thing, but claiming emotional distress, embarrassment, and humiliation because she didn’t get the $4-million she feels entitled to is completely ridiculous.  “Oh my God, I told everybody I was going to get $4-million and I didn’t get $2-million....life is over!!!!”  That’s disgusting.

I would assume there is A LOT of taking the pan off the burner to slow the cooking process further.  I don’t have enough patience for 45 minutes as I want my eggs now-ish, but I have spent around 10 minutes and can attest that the slower the cook, the better the flavor.

Part of the issue he had with WWE was that the creative department and a shift to more family-friendly content was ruining what he loved about wrestling. It used to be the wrestler was responsible for the content of their promos. They were given talking points and cues but the wrestler had to write their own promo.

Err, practically every bar/pub in Indiana serves fried dill pickle chips and ranch dressing. Even Texas Roadhouse, a chain started in Jeffersonville, Indiana, has them on their menu. I’ve been eating them for years. Deep fried pickle spears are more of a Southern thing, however.

....because she wanted cheap cupcakes? Are you actually being THAT BITCH and thinking that we have some nerve going out in public and expecting to be treated as a person instead of your own personal punching bag? Someone called her a name in a not-so-subtle way....so she got her revenge. If you’re going to say

Congrats on the lost weight

Steak fries are only good for 2 things....cheese fries (talking the mountain-of-shredded-cheese, melted-under-the-broiler, covered-in-crisp-bacon variety) and sopping up steak juices. They are meant to as a base delivery system for more decadent flavors, not the star, hence their inconsistent, err, consistency. Some

This makes me cry. I take the Celexa to not be depressed. The lack of ejaculation during sex resulted in my most recent breakup because my girlfriend assumed I wasn’t sexually attracted to her (erection was no problem). So my anti-depressant has ironically led to more depression. God my brain sucks!