
I think that has more to do with the type of competition business hotels face versus traditional mid-range chain hotels. Business hotels get their business from business travelers who use corporate credit cards to pay for the extras or expense them out and are reimbursed so it doesn’t bother them that they’re paying

I'm right there with you on that one. 1.7x playback on Podcast Addict for me. I only have a 20 minute commute and can squeeze in an entire 30-35 minute podcast in one trip. Offer variable speeds as an option and I'll gladly switch.

Yes, but this is for the impatient children in the back who can't make heads or tales of the UI of your navigation software of choice. Telling them the time we'll get there doesn't help either if they can't see (or read) the time up on your dash. But in the context of "will this actually work", all it will really do

Shooting in portrait doesn’t change the fact that video output is 4:3 or 16:9, not 3:4 or 9:16. You need a player that can detect that aspect ratio and adjust accordingly, like how YouTube will allow you to view portrait-shot videos in full size with no bars while holding your phone in portrait orientation. Still,

The reason for Android's lack of video editing prowess is a side-effect to the openness of the OS. While the Nexus is Google's official first foray into Slo-Mo video capture, multiple manufacturers have had their own implementation for some time, with wildly-varying results. My LG G3 has 120FPS slo-mo capture

You are the third person I've heard this from. I really need to get out east and try some. Love me some eggnog.

Obviously he doesn't, considering the One hasn't been remade at all, unless you're counting different colors and the availability of a 1TB drive option and the Kinect-less package that reduced the cost by $100. Trolls be trollin'!

I thought it was just cheap, edible decoration. Only one person I know in my family eats it, and they just slice 2 pieces off and eat it with their turkey. Otherwise it sits, untouched, waiting for the inevitable "Does anyone want this or can I throw it away?"

Our issues with shrinking participation is three-fold:

1.) The average age of kids in our neighborhood is around 14 at this point. The majority of kids are in high school and, judging by the signs above the garage doors, most are involved in some sort of atheletic or musical activity (both my kids are in marching

Seabands never worked for me. I guess my motion sickness is just too stubborn. I’ve found that the best way I can mitigate and reduce my motion sickness is to take 500mg of ginger pills the day before the trip, then to take 250mg in the morning and chase it with a can of ginger ale. Then, just before the trip is to

The one feature that has pretty much killed my use of it has been full-screen video viewing. YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, and HBO Go all run great through it, even better than Chrome and Firefox on the same test machine, but where the latter browsers allow for a full-screen experience, Spartan still shows the address bar

Harmonix is no longer a part of MTV Games. They haven’t been since November 2010. Harmonix is now a completely independent developer and is actually publishing this game on their own instead of through MTV Games/EA.

It's Russia. Doesn't shit just spontaneously combust there? Pretty much every video I see from Russia either features shit falling from the sky, shit running into other shit, or shit on fire. I thought that was its thing. Russia.....shit happens!

But I don't have a Kinect to do what you've suggested, so yeah, this is a valid point and isn't one bit stupid.

Mine gets no hotter than any other smartphone I've used, be it iOS or Android. I don't play hugely graphic-intensive games, but 45-minute sessions of Clash of Clans leave it sitting at around 100 F, hardly scorching. As long as you're not cranking up the brightness to 100% you should be fine. My old HTC One X, on

Well, just last night, my phone was on the charger in my bedroom while I was on my laptop in the living room. From my laptop I was able to maintain 3 separate texting conversations between a co-worker, my wife, and my brother. None of them were the wiser that I was responding to them via computer instead of the

Noblesville, IN
1214 Sq Ft

How sad. Most N. Koreans can barely get electricity and they're still covered in cancer-causing pollution. I guess everything REALLY IS made in China.

Or just do it in reverse, taking the bigger hit during post-Holidays and putting in very little come shopping season. In the first 12 weeks you will have saved $558. By week 26, it's up to $1,027. Much more substantial savings in the first 6 months than the $351 you'd save with the traditional method.

Yeah...I download this because it's free and looks a hell of a lot easier than other automation apps on the market, and then find out all the features I want to use (GPS location or CellID, call or text home, etc) all require you to purchase the PRO version. Had that been mentioned in the write-up, I wouldn't have