
Smiling stopped being allowed on Indiana Operator Licenses when they began complying with the REAL ID standards. Had nothing to do with identifying a corpse.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that it’s treated as a garnish, not a topping, so they don’t have a No Pickle option on their POS. And most likely the person who took your order is not the person who dresses it and presents it to the pass. I know at my local Firehouse Subs, the person who takes the order

I’m pretty sure Bill Murray has been shouting that for years.

I think that has more to do with the type of competition business hotels face versus traditional mid-range chain hotels. Business hotels get their business from business travelers who use corporate credit cards to pay for the extras or expense them out and are reimbursed so it doesn’t bother them that they’re paying

A double turn? What the hell is this, Wrestlemania?

This right here. When I was a kid, I loved going to Ohio because they had DST and Indiana at the time did not. That meant that it was still light out after 9pm. When we began observing it, I was a parent of 2 elementary-aged daughters and trying to put them down for bed at 8pm was an exercise in futility since it was

I'm right there with you on that one. 1.7x playback on Podcast Addict for me. I only have a 20 minute commute and can squeeze in an entire 30-35 minute podcast in one trip. Offer variable speeds as an option and I'll gladly switch.

This is Action Park...given their history with not giving a shit, I’m pretty sure no shits were given here either.*

*I know their reputation has improved in recent years and I'm sure Redbull paid them for the use of their park in the off-season, covering any damages that need to be repaired...I'm just pointing out the

Yes, but this is for the impatient children in the back who can't make heads or tales of the UI of your navigation software of choice. Telling them the time we'll get there doesn't help either if they can't see (or read) the time up on your dash. But in the context of "will this actually work", all it will really do

Aliens passing by would take one look at this and either declare us ready for a new level of war or batshit crazy and leave us alone.

So that's where Ariana Grande came from....my teenage daughters tried to explain what rock she crawled out from under but my eyes glaze over as soon as they start talking. Blah.

I know you don’t KNOW me, but I am one of those people that will use a dedicated dash-mounted GPSr over a smartphone when roadtripping. Aside from the GPS chips in phones not being as robust (read accurate) as the standalone devices, not needing to rely on a data connection is very handy as there are just too many

Shooting in portrait doesn’t change the fact that video output is 4:3 or 16:9, not 3:4 or 9:16. You need a player that can detect that aspect ratio and adjust accordingly, like how YouTube will allow you to view portrait-shot videos in full size with no bars while holding your phone in portrait orientation. Still,

The reason for Android's lack of video editing prowess is a side-effect to the openness of the OS. While the Nexus is Google's official first foray into Slo-Mo video capture, multiple manufacturers have had their own implementation for some time, with wildly-varying results. My LG G3 has 120FPS slo-mo capture

Because cosplaying nerds will use any nerd occassion to dress up for whatever. I remember going to the opening showing of Half Blood Prince and 3 people were dressed up as TNG red shirt bridge crew. Whatever gets them out of the house, I guess.

I remember when the first trailer came out of ID4 and it was just as ultra-serious as this one. It was completely devoid of quippy one-liners or anything that led you to believe that it was going to be anything other than an alien invasion disaster movie of epic proportions. It wasn't until later trailers that we got

The difference here being that Mae has done a shit ton of movie and TV and is a pretty decent actress. Ross Bagley, on the other hand, has done like 4 episodes on random TV shows and 1 movie since ID4. Hell, his IMDB picture is him as Buckwheat. Definitely not the same.

Is it because it's seasoned with the tears of the oppressed? Seriously, aside from a morbid curiosity to see the sights of the Hermit Kingdom, I really see no reason to want to visit such a brutal country unless you have family there that you've been separated from.

You are the third person I've heard this from. I really need to get out east and try some. Love me some eggnog.

OK, but I wouldn't classify Hannibal, Overboard, or Mrs Doubtfire's scenes food porn either, so if those can make the list, surely The Breakfast Machine can, too. Hannibal doesn't make me want to try brains anytime soon, Overboard is just a chicken in some water with whole potatoes thrown in and doesn't even get