
No. Kryotonite basically neutralizes Superman's powers because, on Krypton, he'd be nothing special. No flying, no X-Ray vision, no powers whatsoever. He'd be just another douche. It's only because of our sun that he has his powers. Put him in contact with a piece of his home planet and it takes away those powers and

Obviously he doesn't, considering the One hasn't been remade at all, unless you're counting different colors and the availability of a 1TB drive option and the Kinect-less package that reduced the cost by $100. Trolls be trollin'!

I thought it was just cheap, edible decoration. Only one person I know in my family eats it, and they just slice 2 pieces off and eat it with their turkey. Otherwise it sits, untouched, waiting for the inevitable "Does anyone want this or can I throw it away?"

Not sure where the MHSRA came up with that 10 hour figure. I live in Indianapolis. It takes just under 2 hours to get to Cincinnati and just over 3 hours to get to Chicago. It takes 10 hours, by car, to drive from Indianapolis to DC or Macon, GA (routes I travel fairly frequently). While I like the idea, if that's

I had the exact same thing happen, but mine was in 5th Grade (10 years 7 months old, to be exact). I was a soprano in the honor choir for my school and got strep throat/bronchitis that kept me out of school for almost 2 weeks. When I came back, my voice was ragged and when I'd try to sing I suddenly was in between a

Uh, I'm not so sure the pic on the left is a promo for the movie depicted on the right. The vail is completely different, her hair has tight curls on the right but is more wavy on the left, her arms are covered at least to the elbow in the alleged wedding night photo but you can see almost to her armpit in the pic

Is it bad that I immediately tried to click on that?

The only time I get a stomache ache from eating potato skins is when I've eaten 8 or 9 of them.....stuffed with cheese and bacon and slathered in ranch dressing. I've eaten baked potatoes, skin and all, for years and never had a stomach ache unless I over-indulged and also had an appetizer, salad, and 10+oz steak. The

Ahh, but the difference is that Apple doesn't hold the rights to those lines, but Vanilla Ice owns the publishing rights to "Under Pressure". So Apple doesn't get shit but VI gets royalties whenever the original source of his beat is played/bought/licensed.

My cat gives me this same exact look when its food dish is empty.

Our issues with shrinking participation is three-fold:

1.) The average age of kids in our neighborhood is around 14 at this point. The majority of kids are in high school and, judging by the signs above the garage doors, most are involved in some sort of atheletic or musical activity (both my kids are in marching

While this is a very sound, plausible reasoning for them being all “bitey”, the fact that everyone is already infected and will come back, even if they die naturally, disputes that. I don’t think the bacteria/parasite is looking to reproduce as it is already in everybody. I think the side effect to the zombification

Uh, yeah....because that’s an analogy that makes sense. Regardless of how you feel about it, in Zimbabwe they allow big game hunting if properly licensed to do so. He was properly licensed. The asshat guide is the one who provided the wrong lion to kill. Murdering another person, however, is NEVER legal. And while it

Well, gimped in the sense that the LG camera app makes full use of the potential of the camera whereas the generic Google Camera app isn’t as powerful or feature-laden. And let’s not forget OIS on this versus no image stabilization (optical or in software) on the 5X due to lack of RAM (at least that’s what some of the

Yes, because a smaller phone with a less-powerful chip, gimped camera, less RAM, less storage, non-removable battery, and no microSD slot is similar to this. Believe it or not, but it’s not all about looks for some people.

Well, since the caption says #Space #Burger #Recipe and references National Burger Day, I’m going to venture to say he isn’t putting mustard on a taco.

You forgot to use the Sarcasm font or at least </sarcasm>

I’ve had this option on my LG G3 since it came out. They even separate out the option to disconnect from wifi if there’s no Internet connectivity, which is great for me because anytime I try to connect to my Nikon with that option enabled it disconnects because there’s no Internet connectivity.

MM works in movies with an ensemble cast or in a supporting role (Bridesmaids and St. Vincent) or in a small role (This is 40). MM as the lead, however, is very hard to watch. Both Identity Thief and Tammy had her playing a despicable, trashy woman who eventually blossoms and, incidentally, requires jail time to do

Actually I do believe it’s the Cadillac Brougham hearse, not the wagon.