
Seabands never worked for me. I guess my motion sickness is just too stubborn. I’ve found that the best way I can mitigate and reduce my motion sickness is to take 500mg of ginger pills the day before the trip, then to take 250mg in the morning and chase it with a can of ginger ale. Then, just before the trip is to

And that is how penises are made!

Yep, I’ve been dealing with this same thing for a little over a month now using Chrome Beta on my G3. It was neat at first, but now whenever I happen to tap just a hair too long, it automatically assumes I’m highlighting the word that happened to be underneath my finger and brings up the search. I ended up turning the

I couldn’t agree more. I used to be firmly in HTC’s corner but the G3 still impresses me. The camera makes up for the lack of front-facing speakers. I’ll most likely skip this generation and, hoping they don’t do something stupid, the G5 will be my next phone as well.

The one feature that has pretty much killed my use of it has been full-screen video viewing. YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, and HBO Go all run great through it, even better than Chrome and Firefox on the same test machine, but where the latter browsers allow for a full-screen experience, Spartan still shows the address bar

Looks like Frodo succeeded!

Harmonix is no longer a part of MTV Games. They haven’t been since November 2010. Harmonix is now a completely independent developer and is actually publishing this game on their own instead of through MTV Games/EA.

While I think the idea of the 3-fret/6-key guitar is pretty cool.....I’m a bit letdown by this announcement. Harmonix already has my money for Rock Band 4, what with me being able to bring my nearly 1,000-song collection to the Xbox One, as well as possibly using my old, existing instruments. GHL, unfortunately,

Yeah I have to agree. It sounds like Mark Ruffalo's voice altered. Perhaps both he and Ferrigno recorded the line and they melded the two...or maybe they just added effects to Ruffalo's voice and CineFix is talking out of their ass and pulling an UberFacts.

My company JUST began rolling out IE 11 to the corporate machines. Previous version used? IE 8.

It's Russia. Doesn't shit just spontaneously combust there? Pretty much every video I see from Russia either features shit falling from the sky, shit running into other shit, or shit on fire. I thought that was its thing. Russia.....shit happens!

You know my parents? Seriously, I about shit myself when I went over there to do some "routine" maintenance on their PC and found out that not only were they using RealPlayer as their default media player still, but that they actually paid for a ton of music from Rhapsody that was DRMed and the licenses had expired

The only approved USB devices that are included in Group Policy are Human Input Devices (keyboards/mice). Anything else fails to be detected as the drivers do not load. The only people that get approval for USB storage solutions are our sales teams who need to use them for Powerpoint presentations and whatnot while

We disable USB ports by default on all our systems and require justifiable reasoning to "unlock" the port....which in reality is just a 14-day group policy update so they can do what they need to do before it is locked again.

I think part of the reason has been the bundles and deeper discounts. I got my Xbox One on Black Friday for $329 and it came with AC Black Flag and Unity AND a $50 Target gift card...which was then used to purchase another controller. When first launched, I had no desire to replace my aging 360 for $500. I didn't

But I don't have a Kinect to do what you've suggested, so yeah, this is a valid point and isn't one bit stupid.

That movie doesn't count....they're just puppets or some such shit.

Alright, but now that they've pulled the movie, what is the point in not releasing it as VOD or onto Netflix/Amazon Instant Streaming and allowing everyone access to it. The "credible" threat of destroying multiplexes daring to screen the film is now gone....why let the terrorists win by withholding the movie

Alright, but now that they've pulled the movie, what is the point in not releasing it as VOD or onto Netflix/Amazon Instant Streaming and allowing everyone access to it? The "credible" threat of destroying multiplexes daring to screen the film is now gone....why let the terrorists win by withholding the movie they

Bet that lava tastes delicious!