
There is just way too much smiling at this punk club!

Storage is expandable only to 64GB? Not 128GB? No USB3.0? Really? Samsung, y u no want my moneys?!?!

I have a hard time with this reasoning. I wasn't conditioned to think pizza is yummy and asparagus tastes like farts smell. My parents adopted both positive and negative reinforcement towards my eating healthy foods and it did fuck all. Today I still avoid green veggies like the plague because they smell and taste

Noblesville, IN
1214 Sq Ft

1st rule of any business.....know your market/audience! Can't wait to see what the felt versions of Monistat-7 and Vagisil look like.

Same here. Previously my Android phones were all HTC phones (One X, One (M7)). The M8 was a no-brainer so I picked it up. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the crap camera and how awkwardly tall the phone feels. I love the design and Sense 6 is just the right amount of skinning to make Android feel premium over

Considering the trend of smartphones getting ever-increasingly larger screens, GoPro will always be a better option than a smartphone. Can you imagine mounting a Note3 to a helmet or the nose of a surfboard? Really defeats the purpose of having a small, out-of-the-way HD camera when you've got a device that is

I have only seen in broadcasted in 16X9 in re-runs on the CW-affiliate here in Indianapolis. The same goes for Friends, it's aired right after Seinfeld in this 16X9 format. On Netflix, That 70s Show is in 16X9, but you can tell that it wasn't a perfect transition as some shots show dark spots in the corners of the

Oops....someone didn't proofread before creating this visual.

Thank you for this honest assessment. I have been eyeballing the G3 since it was announced as my next phone as the HTC One M8 just isn't wowing me like I was hoping it would (borrowing my brother's while he's off-continent for the next month). I have the M7 and the ViperOne custom ROM made it my favorite phone ever

The original Betamax tapes could only record 1 hour. Whether it was reactionary or the end-game all along, they eventually introduced extra-capacity tapes to the market (hence the "with L-750 videocassette" notation after the claim of 3 hours). But in all honesty, it was a combination of the lower cost-of-entry and

This! Much to my chagrin, I just steered a friend of mine towards a Chromebook. Initially I was pricing out a custom-built desktop that I was going to do for him when I sat him down and starting asking him exactly what he wanted to do with it. It boiled down to Facebook, bank website, Solitaire, YouTube, and his

This was the first phone I got after the Cingular/AT&T Wireless merger. Cost me a penny. Decent phone, until I took a swim with it during vacation in 2006. After sitting in a bowl of rice for a day, the damn thing came back on. Unfortunately the outer display was trashed and the main display's back light was

LG VX-10

Duh, they duck and cover!

That doesn't make the comment any less valid. But staying on topic, thank you for sharing this. I was 3 when I went to the '82 World's Fair in Knoxville and only have a couple memories of it and wish I would have been older to enjoy it. My grandparents still talk about it as being the most amazing thing they've

And you all look absolutely thrilled to be there....well, the hottie in the middle does anyway!

I'm staring at one now as I type this....sooo mesmerizing to watch it spin.

These were a must-purchase at every school skating party I went to in elementary school.

Aww man, you beat me to it. Glad to see someone else knows of this FUNicular.