
According to the article on the source site, the nearest grocery store is 2 miles away. Not for nothing, but my nearest grocery store is almost 4 miles away, with the nearest convenience store/gas station 2 miles in the opposite direction. I don't find this sad at all. Obviously there just isn't enough demand for a

Sometimes, oops. That is all!

Try telling that to my Nana over and over and over and then you'll understand why it's sometimes easier to just have a damn button.

Unicorn farts....duh!

How sad. Most N. Koreans can barely get electricity and they're still covered in cancer-causing pollution. I guess everything REALLY IS made in China.

They're responsible for that "Thrift Store" song. And are surprisingly white.

Ugh, I wasn't a fan of this when it was used on the 1st Gen Nexus 7. Zzzzzzz

Or how about the sound effects themselves. They type in google.com and the keyboard sounds like they just wrote a novel. 10 key presses, not 100.

Oh man......I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana. I deeply and humbly apologize for those assclowns in South Bend.

As for the SI Ferry, that was a happy accident. A friend of mine I work with is from SI and overheard me talking about my trip and my plans to drive into Manhattan. He asked me what my plans were, and when

I was in NYC this past June for the very first time and I think I commented more than once that the tourists themselves were the rude, inconsiderate assholes, not the New Yorkers. After stepping off the Staten Island Ferry (can't go wrong with a free ride into the city), they were just everywhere, standing in the

I was going to post exactly this. As he was describing the monastery in my mind's eye I was thinking of the Abbey as described in the book. Man, I think I'll go read that again.

While there have been some rather inclement weather in the warmer climates (freak snowstorm the week of Super Bowl XLV in Dallas and XLI being the first Super Bowl to ever be played in the rain come to mind), it's a much safer bet to host in the southern cities outdoors than it is up north.

For me I want to see a massive, paralyzing snow storm so they will learn to not do this again. NYC is a destination in the warmer months....don't nobody want to go there during the dead of winter. If that were to go down, I'm sure some of the ultra-rich assbags would probably sue the NFL for not having the foresight

Part of me hopes that a massive blizzard cripples the city. Not for nothing, but all the snowplows in the world aren't going to help you if the flights to the area get cancelled or it's snowing so bad during the game that they can't keep the field clear. While I'm glad to see New York/New Jersey get to host a Super

Or just do it in reverse, taking the bigger hit during post-Holidays and putting in very little come shopping season. In the first 12 weeks you will have saved $558. By week 26, it's up to $1,027. Much more substantial savings in the first 6 months than the $351 you'd save with the traditional method.

This is the first time the Super Bowl has been played in a cold-weather environment outdoors. Only 4 Super Bowls have been played in northern cities that go against the unofficial host-city rule of average winter temperatures above 50 degrees F (but these were all indoors):

XVI - Pontiac Silverdome - Detroit

Gyromite and R.O.B. was the tits. I played that game for hours that Christmas evening and it wasn't until a week later when I realized I didn't need R.O.B to play the game and it went a hell of a lot faster just pressing the corresponding buttons than waiting for that stupid thing to pick up the plastic disc and

According to the source, I'd end up paying more if I open my mouth and try to get the "savings":

There's nothing left! So much devastation. I can't even begin to imagine what that was like.