
I would buy that excuse, if the original Siri app wasn't working just fine on my iPhone 4 until yesterday when they killed the server connection. Sure it could be a little slow depending on my connection, but it flawlessly heard every single word I dictated to it and gave me the information I requested. Hell, it was

If you didn't get the option to restore or setup as a new phone after the install, all you need to do is connect your phone to your PC, wait for iTunes to recognize the phone, then right-click on the phone in the "Folder Tree" on the left side of iTunes and select "Restore from Backup".

Open the app and see what Siri says after Siri states it has to update for a moment. Fucking weak!!!

That is fucking balls!!! Guess I'll be using the shit out of it until October 15th and then silently, patiently waiting for the Jailbreak to give me the Siri....I mean Intelligent Assistant goodness.

I still have it on my 4....swoon!!! Guess I won't be removing that anytime soon.

People also didn't watch Family Guy or Futurama and look where they are now. A rabid fanbase willing to spend money on DVDs will always change the studios' minds.

VOTE: Better Facebook

Here's why I don't like it. I get a text while I'm getting ready for work from a friend asking me if I saw his post he made 3 hours prior that is getting all shades of heated between his Jesus-loving family and his atheist friends. I hadn't been on FB since the night before so I went to my feed and, instead of my

There's only anecdotal evidence of what an explosion at Yellowstone will mean. So until it finally decides to go all teenager and kill us all, Mt Tambora's eruption still makes it the deadliest volcano. Not discrediting the magnitude of Yellowstone, just stating that UNTIL it erupts and an official tally of deaths

17 and you're waxing nostalgic on Flash? Give me a break, kid!! You want nostalgia? How about having to install Shockwave Player to go to view PepsiWorld.com or watch a 1-minute funny clip on atomfilms.com? Want more nostalgia? How about PKUnzip for all your unzipping needs. Jesus, you just made an early

I was under the impression that the Metro Start Screen would have apps like Netflix that would run independent of the Metro Browser. It would be pointless to watch Netflix in this manner if you can just click on the Netflix box and up pops a dedicated app optimized for the device. I see this as more of an issue for

They'll look no different than the moon boot pieces of shit I see some of the neighborhood kids walking around in.

This isn't the removal of a feature....this is FINALLY enforcing a restriction they have long held in place. You were NEVER supposed to be able to have concurrent streaming. When they began Watch Instantly, it was only for PCs and laptops. Then they added ROKU devices, game systems, Internet-ready TVs, etc.

to see floppy, saggy tits

No they don't. They would rather spend a chunk of change to have increased spectrum and network capacity rather then spend years and tons of money doing it all themselves. This is just them being lazy...the reduced competition is just a bonus.

This. If T-Mo was outdoing at&t, Deutsche Telekom wouldn't be so keen to offload them and they wouldn't be number 4. All they have going for them is low-cost plans and hot "mascots". Their customer service is just as bad as the others and reception, in my area at least, is pretty weak. It's obvious that at&t is

So here's my question...if at&t cannot merge with T-Mo, what's going to happen to them? I thought that Deutsche Telekom wanted to offload T-Mo and be done with it. What happens if the merger doesn't go through? Surely DT will still want to get rid of it, and even with the cash influx that the failed merger will

There is one. It's called the Steel Hawg and it is at Indiana Beach. It's drop is only 100 feet and 111-degrees but it is still listed as the steepest drop in the US. It only has a top speed of 41MPH but, to be honest, the slow decent actually made it a little more thrilling than just quickly rolling through it.

@Gotlactose: I've been using the alpha and beta versions of 3 for almost a year now and have NEVER taken advantage of this feature. I think it's a nice addition, but I don't see it catching on with anyone other than those who aren't contributing their share to the bittorrent game anyway.

@pike1346: Upgrade to LTE already? How about "Bring 3G to areas outside of major cities!" Seriously, this past weekend I was in an area where I couldn't so much as get a bar of EDGE signal, yet the guy next to me with his Verizon iPhone 4 had 3 bars of 3G. Seriously, your 3G is shit....how the hell you gonna focus