
@dccorona - Oh I totally agree. Most of the stuff I've pirated is either in lossless .flac or 320kbps LAMEd mp3...so this has no interest for me at all. What I do see as a possible perk that could keep me off of Frostwire (Limewire's free, open-sourced fork that didn't get shutdown) is the countless CDs I have never

@dccorona: The syncing via the cloud isn't the issue they have or the claim they're making. What this means is that, lets say I have 2,000 songs that I obtained via a mixture of Kazaa, Limewire, and pre-suck Napster. They all vary in bitrates, ranging from 96kbps to 160kbps. By using the iTunes Match, all songs

What was his talent? Seriously, why are people defending him and getting angry over the audience's reaction? He stood there, talking about his love for Tron and being him. That is NOT a talent. If it was, my 5-year old nephew should be going to Vegas for his amazing ability to put on his Spiderman costume and run

@Protocol X: I read it as they were taking on Apple by creating an HTML5 web app that gives the user all the benefits and functionality of a dedicated app, while allowing them to keep ALL the money and Apple gets none.

If the Republican Party can't get their collective heads out of their ass and throw their support behind a candidate that actually can deliver on their promises and not be just another bureaucratic talking head or a trainwreck like Palin, then Obama will win, turnaround or no.

@ktc2: Way to show your ignorance there....that nice computer you typed your post on, the monitor, your cell phone, television, etc all have components that are made in these same facilities. Foxconn is not Apple-only....look at this laundry list of major clients:

The only thing I want to know is...is the TSA patdown as invasive as it is for domestic travel?

Yeah, it does....sigh.

@PrairieMoon: It's never going to happen. Get over it. We're too ingrained with Fahrenheit at this point to change....84 degrees Fahrenheit sounds a lot warmer to me, and makes more sense, than ~29 Celsius. Remember, this is a country that knows 98.6 is normal for body temperature....37 just doesn't sound right.

@BazookaJoe: What the hell is poison about a BAKED potato or GRILLED lobster tail? Are you referring to the small cups of butter and sour cream? Trust me, this is NOT what the average, massively overweight American is eating. Change this to 2 double bacon cheeseburgers fully-loaded and a side of fries smothered in

@nan0werx: No...Summer starts on June 21st, just like everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere....while schools let out for summer break around Memorial Day and most businesses will say it's the "official" start to Summer, it most certainly is not. June 21st, no matter what, is the absolutely beginning to

@drmrw: Congrats...you just won teh internets with this comment. Cheers to you!

@spudhed: Pump truck (we call them pallet lifts or pallet jacks)? Yes, much easier. Fork trucks and involving cargo stacked precariously high? Not so much when you're lifting the pallet 20 feet into the air and the extenders kick in, causing the pallet to shift it's center of gravity forward and you watch in terror

@dapper_otter: You also can only stock these width-wise in racks. Traditional wooden American pallets are roughly 40"x48" and are loaded lengthwise. These, in the American flavor, retain the footprint but because of the foot placement can only be safely moved with forklifts and pallet jacks from the wide side. Most

@AccaliaAncaeus: RTFA. The shipping containers that the American pallet fits into is an INTERNATIONAL-STANDARD shipping container, while the EURO pallet requires a special container. If this was simply a matter of America not wishing to conform to standards used elsewhere, then it would be America's fault, but since

@blackend: What I took from your post was "Pictures or it didn't happen." And I am with you there.

I didn't so much take issue with unlivable, as obviously it is not fit to sustain human life. I took issue with "wholly", which can be construed as being completely inhospitable to any life. I understand what you were getting at and I agree that it is not a place where the average Tom, Dick, and Jane could setup a

@JakeMG: Former Whitenoiser: Not being labeled "Cola" has to do with the fact that it never contained extract from the Kola nut. And while I do like Dr. Pepper, I can only drink it in glass bottles made with real sugar from the Dublin, TX bottling plant. Anything else just tastes harsh and I can only stomach maybe a

Am I the only one that got all tingly when Kat mentioned her thighs?

@apierion: I think you might want to rethink "wholly unlivable". Hundreds of species of animals and plants, as well as radioactive material-consuming bacteria thriving in the exclusion zone would highly disagree with your assumption if they had the ability to comprehend human language and speak. While the conditions