I am sure this will get flack - but -
I am sure this will get flack - but -
technically its an incel phone
Jesus christ, you’re really going for it with this post. This is incredible. You make it sound in the headline like they’re just chanting it for no reason, because you know “singing along to a song” makes it sound much less bad. Then, when we’re primed to feel bad, you post the sad, desperate text messages of some…
It’s pretty stupid to sing this. It’s pretty stupid to record it and post it online. But as stupid as these kids were, I find it hard to believe that they’re malicious. I’ve never heard this song before, because I’ve crossed into Old Man territory, but these are, in fact, lyrics in the song. That doesn’t excuse it,…
This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.
Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.
It can be a consensual act and insanely wrong on his end at the same time.
In the wake of #MeToo, I really do have to reevaluate my own thoughts on Lewinsky. I was only in high school when it all went down, but I have to admit that I barely thought about Monica. I didn’t think think about her as a slut, that I can remember. It just wasn’t about her, and I dismissed her. I certainly didn’t…
I’m surprised the NRA even knows Parks & Rec, I guess there are no decent Duck Dynasty memes.
See this movie is why I can side with Charlie on Scandal forever.
license plate “SO COOL”
Wait, am I the only one watching The West Wing over and over pretending it is real life?
Came here to say this. I will always remember him as this dick.
Caveman drawings?
Well she’s also married to a rapist. So it’s not terribly surprising.
All excellent points and I agree to everything.
Me too.
i preferred the book, i couldn’t get into the show. i will try again.
I think that reinforces the point though — the conversation here should be a lot more nuanced and handled more deftly. I’m in my 30s now and I know how to say no, but pretty much throughout my 20s as I explored my sexuality I consistently ran into situations that I didn’t know how to handle. There’s a lot of pressure…