
“Civil request for discourse and clarification”

Why was there no backlash when Jeffrey Tambor won all those awards for his portrayal of a trans woman? Or when Jared Leto won an Oscar for his? Selective outrage patrol. 

Sure was.

NO, she absolutely had the ability to consent to the relationship and DID, but it was still wrong. We can’t label every unethical or immoral relationship with imbalanced power dynamics as “non-consensual.”

I don’t like horror movies either, but I really liked Get Out. I didn’t find it scary at all, at least not in the way I find horror movies scary (and it certainly wasn’t gory/gross).

How are Hijabs NOT a symbol of oppression? How are they NOT derived from the principle that women are responsible for men’s sexual desires, and distract them from piety with their immodesty? Is anyone here who defends the hijab also a big fan of the burqa? Chastity belts? If not, why not?

I legitimately don’t know the answer - but if we have parts that can ONLY be played by POCs, do we then also have parts that can ONLY be played by white people? Or should we both celebrate the casting of previously-white roles with POCs (which incenses the Breitbart crowd) AND get incensed at the casting of a

“Pull yourself together”

Book was good, show was terrible. So many mistakes in the show:

She told her friend she “said no a lot”

Agree that this wasn’t assault, but we should teach men that if women don’t express interest in their advances, and in fact repeatedly express disinterest, THEY SHOULD STOP TRYING.

Agree that this wasn’t assault, but we should teach men that if women don’t express interest in their advances, and in fact repeatedly express disinterest, THEY SHOULD STOP TRYING.

Dudes are dumb basically = “boys will be boys.” This wasn’t assault, but we should teach men that if women don’t express interest in their advances, and in fact repeatedly express disinterest, THEY SHOULD STOP TRYING.

So because she didn’t leave, whatever he did is excused?

She said slow down and he didn’t, she repeatedly said no and he ignored her, she mumbled instead of showing any enthusiasm when he asked how he should f*ck her, she repeatedly withdrew her hand when he pulled it towards his penis, she said “maybe next date” (which quite literally means “not this date”) and he didn’t

She said slow down and he didn’t, she repeatedly said no and he ignored her, she mumbled instead of showing any enthusiasm when he asked how he should f*ck her, she repeatedly withdrew her hand when he pulled it towards his penis, she said “maybe next date” (which quite literally means “not this date”) and he didn’t

I was sad they never met in Game of Thrones!

Note that Tupac is a rapist. This is totally forgotten, for some reason.

Fuck that shit, you can’t own culture.

“but also a big clue as that animals can also become White Walkers.”