Headscarves are symbols of female oppression. Funny that the Handmaid’s Tale headdress is now fashionable to show misogynistic oppression, but the hijab is somehow a symbol of feminism??
Headscarves are symbols of female oppression. Funny that the Handmaid’s Tale headdress is now fashionable to show misogynistic oppression, but the hijab is somehow a symbol of feminism??
If being anti-Israel, and loudly so, is a prerequisite for being a True Progressive (ugh), then so should being loudly anti-Islamic theocracies. They’re the only theocracies left (well, except for the square mile that is the Vatican), and tens of millions of women suffer greatly under them. It’s a far greater problem,…
Yes, anyone who criticizes someone you like must necessarily be a “centrist” or a “neoliberal,” right? Because they’re No True Progressive if they don’t agree with you on 100% of your orthodoxies.
None of that is true. Neither the Observer or Asian Tribune articles cited even back up the claim that she made up the arranged marriage. Look at the other sources too. For instance, the “militarily” quote is taken out of context.
She’s intelligent and deeply caring about Islam and the plight of Muslim women around the world.. She’s very critical of Islam, and she has a right to be (as does anyone): religions should be as open to criticism as any political philosophy. And I’m a libertarianismphobe.
If we don’t compartmentalize then we’ll alienate a lot of people and fracture as a movement. Feminism simply has very little, if at all, to do with Zionism, period.
So it’s okay to say that nothing’s creepier than Zionism, but it’s not okay to take issue with invocations of Jihad - which, yes, DOES have a violent component to it, most scholars agree - or criticize her support of a convicted murderer? And it’s okay for Keith Ellison to have defended Louis Farrakhan for years, even…
Javier Bardem is 48, Jennifer Lawrence is 26. Jus’ sayin’
“Inherently” vs. “currently” is an uncomfortable debate, but a valid one.
Agree. How did nobility, honor, naivety, and mercy work out for Ned and Robb?
Don’t call him “indie.” There’s literally nothing “indie” about him. He’s pure pop.
Meh, none of the jokes seemed to land
Naive? She’s far less naive than Jon at this point.
Agree, The Strokes suuuuuck
Banksy’s a pretentious hack
My GOD this looks dumb, how dare they besmirch Shakespeare’s good name with this drivel, also when does it premiere???
Live Through This = one of the best albums of all time. And damn straight, challenge any a-hole who says she was a bad mother to name a single good father rock star. Also point out that Jimmy Paige had a 14-year-old “girlfriend,” Tupac was a rapist, John Lennon was a wifebeater, and Michael Jackson...well, you know…
Live Through This = one of the best albums of all time. And damn straight, challenge any a-hole who says she was a bad mother to name a single good father rock star. Also point out that Jimmy Paige had a 14-year-old “girlfriend,” Tupac was a rapist, John Lennon was a wifebeater, and Michael Jackson...well, you know…
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