
Yes but never in the same scene together.

To be honest they probably could use some Purefoy but he might be too slick to be stuck in the ice.

I’m just happy to see Julius Caesar (Hinds) and Brutus (Tobias Menzies) back together again.


No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

Well yeah. At his worst, Ben makes stop-mo animation films, really complicated board games and town ruining ice rinks.

Because they’re nice people; Jim and Pam are jerks.

I always preferred Leslie & Ben to Jim and Pam.

I’ve been doing stand-up comedy for almost 20 years and I’ve had two famous female comics confirm that he’s tried to do this in front of them.

I don’t know if your getting this whole ‘conquering’ thing. She’s here to take over the7 kingdoms, not win over everybody with a home cooked meal.

Hopefully the baby got her chin.

Ayaan is a complicated and interesting figure, and I hate how the left dismisses her because she isn’t telling a narrative they like. Her book infidel is an amazing/terrible story. She has suffered greatly at the hands of islam and one shouldn’t deny that so that the left can combat red America’s islamaphobia.

She’s “good-ish” on like 5 issues and bad to “holy shit these viewpoints would absolutely get you fired at most workplaces” on like everything else.

why does the left need to choose such deeply-flawed heroes all the time?

yikes, tweeted on international women’s day too...

Yep. I think she’s good on a handful of issues but imperfect to bad on a host of others. And really, really bad at choosing her language.

I agree with this, but also think there are plenty of reasons to be critical of Sarsour. There’s space btwn accepting a false rightwing narrative and blindly supporting your own.

Linda Sarsour is great. She is incredibly brave, and has a lot more hate thrown her way than I ever could imagine. Her anti-Zionism is something that I disagree with, but that is because the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize, and a lot of people (including her, apparently) are

I mean she has a point though...

Jesus, Please Kill Me this ain’t.

I know that. For fuck’s sake, quit overthinking the joke.