
Pardon our appearance

I can’t see this because everything looks so absolutely, irredeemably ridiculous. CGI is a failed technology. Chewbacca looks far, far better than this crap.

Then shouldn’t the line be “you’re not like most people”? Or even “you’re not like most things/nouns”?

Aside: why is the focus always on the woman’s drinking? When a woman is sexually assaulted after drinking to excess, the vast majority of the time the perpetrator was ALSO drinking. So why is it, “ladies, don’t get so drunk you get raped,” rather than, “men, don’t get so drunk that you rape”?

Ya and these:

Who here thinks that Tucker Carlson isn’t also a sexual predator? No one...?

Trump: “We bombed Syria because Assad poisoned children.”

Trump, naturally, promised not to deny repayments for these services (I refuse to use the word “defund” since there is no fund to begin with, only the same repayments any provider receives) during the campaign. Another promise broken. At this point, I’m not sure what’s worse: the promises he’s broken, or the ones he’s

Unpopular opinion: Christian Bale is awful. Anyone agree? So self-serious and intense.

It was also not a debate, it was a Democratic town hall in Flint, Michigan, and I believe the question she was made privvy too was that someone was going to ask about the water crisis. Big surprise, given the forum.

They’re saying “I am not pizza” because, according to the theory, “pizza” is a euphemism for trafficked child prostitute. So when the Podesta emails said “let’s get some pizza” it really means “let’s get some kids.”

Because collective ownership of the means of production and the absence of all but few forms of private property is an unjust way to organize a society?

No, this isn’t a federal case, sounds like it only involves state law

Yes, because Obama didn’t present an existential threat to freedom of the press, nor did he declare the press the “enemy of the American people.” Stop with the equivalency for equivalency’s sake arguments.

Saved and withheld...by living on a lake and owning 6 cars and attending a fancy private school? Either you’re not communicating this well, or your perspective is simply very different from an outside one. (No offense intended.)

That’s totally revisionist. They Democrats won back the House and Senate in 2006 by running a lot of very centrist (even conservative) Democrats in purple and red states, a strategy fully supported by “50 State” Dean.

I’ll edit that: of course it’s fallible. What isn’t? It hasn’t been proven to be way off, however. Total myth.

The point is simply to be disruptive and show force in numbers. Peaceful protest is most effective when it’s disruptive.