
It actually hasn’t been at all. This is one of the biggest, and laziest, myths of the 2016 election.

Exactly, and good use of that poll (which probably speaks more to sexism than anything, since I’m sure Bernie Sanders would beat him in a similar poll).

Being disruptive requires either privilege or courage, but it’s the most effective method of protest.

Exactly, their desire to stay in power far surpasses any allegiance they have to ideology or policy. Until and unless continuing to support Trump threatens their shot at reelection, either in their primaries or generals, Congressional Republicans will stand by their “man.”

Simple question: where’s Senator Sanders’ bill to enact Medicare for all? The ACA is about to repealed and replaced with...something. Instead of leading the charge for its replacement and filling the vacuum that is the lack of a plan (from either side), Sanders is playing defense and begging Trump to keep his pledge

Well, it will be productive in that they’ll both get to be on TV and bask in the glow of public visibility, which is all they want anyways.

No, we’re clearly in the wrong timeline. Before the inauguration I kept waiting for Future Me to materialize and be like “I don’t have much time so listen up: here’s exactly what you have to do to make sure he doesn’t become President and set the space time continuum back on the right course...”

Frankly, I like guys who HAVEN’T been dead for 122 years, okay?

I’m pretty sure truth is an affirmative defense, meaning the defendant has the burden to prove that his/her supposedly defamatory statements were true in order to get the case dismissed.

He’s probably gonna sexually harass every woman within a hundred feet of the oval office. And his supporters either won’t care or will cheer him on.

No, Trump will do something plainly treasonous and there will be talk of impeachment, then Ryan and McConnell will see no political benefit to taking a principled stance (and a potential political harm at the hands of Trump’s support base, which is insane, if you hadn’t noticed) and will back down. Just like Ryan and

No puppet. No puppet. YOU’RE the puppet.