
What a weirdly distortive article that misrepresents and misunderstands quite a lot of things surrounding the re-issue of Mein Kamp. I suggest you all calm down with your “fuck you Germany”s (lovely...just lovely...) and read the BBC article for some context: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38495456

More than because of the rise of the Alt-Right, it’s worth considering the possibility that the sudden surge in interest in Mein Kampf in Germany might have something to do with the fact that when the book went into the public domain last year, it marked the first time it was legally available in Germany for 71 years.

I totally see your POV, Aimée. And this is an easy subject to make fun of.

I have to tell the truth, when you said Mase, I thought of rapper Mase, not small Kardashian Mase.

“Such a nasty astrophysicist.” - Donald Trump about Carl Sagan, maybe

“I’m so very sorry, but when we were stitching you up Dr. WTF sewed his finger to your labia. It didn’t worsen the tear, but fluids mixed and we do need to do an HIV test. After we re-sew.”

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

Dude, you are now going to get a million replies where cyclists comment on the number of times vehicle drivers have failed to obey the rules of the road. Maybe it’s not as one-sided as you make it out to be, and everyone can learn to share the road and drive defensively.

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.

I find it easier to pet kittens with my hands, but if you like to rub them with a philosopher more power to you; I just find them so unwieldy.

Or maybe it was serious enough to want custody and think she should have it, but not so bad she thinks he’s a criminal, and she’s a human woman with normal emotions and a responsibility to their kids?

Thank you for pixellating the sqerel’s face to preserve it’s dignity.

Look at me here stanning for Taylor Swift but here I go.

I would truly love to see any research backing up the idea that swimming in something like a burkini would be unhygienic. Would be news to so many surfers and divers who wear wetsuits regularly!

The divorce settlement is NOT necessarily income. If she donated it, she would only get a few thousand dollars back. Now he gets 3.5 millions back. The only person he’s doing a solid for is himself.

I am so sick of her not being exactly what everyone wants her to be all the time. It’s like she isn’t even trying to take all of our criticism simultaneously. I liked her at first but then she was too likeable and now I hate her but she just keeps being Jennifer Lawrence and I am just like HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR


Also, I’m just gonna post this here, because it makes me laugh every damn time...

What if the narrator of “Dancing on my Own” is the girlfriend of “Call Your Girlfriend”?!? Body Talk is a narrative concept album right?