
Grimes isn’t my usual style of music but DEAR GODS IN R’LYEH have I been listening to this album almost nonstop. It’s beautiful. It’s ballsy. It’s brilliant. I am just flabbergasted by her talent.

Nothing will ever top the Oblivion video for me

If I was married to a swimmer, I’d demand he be shirtless most of the time.

I know nothing about him, and even so I know EXACTLY what you mean. And I know this type of person too well. I had a desperate attraction to this time in my early/mid-twenties. I thought being near/with them would make me edgier. UGH.
Anyway, perfectly written.

Of all the places to drop acid, a Taylor Swift concert has to be in the bottom 5%.

After the Ryan Adams bullshit, I have decided I am not listening to any more male covers of 1989. If a woman wants to cover her shit, fine, but these dudes trying to act like they’re improving upon her shit or legitimizing it (acid trip or no) can go to hell. I will take my Taylor straight up, no ice, and make it a

“The last time I took a hero’s dose of LSD was at a Taylor Swift concert in Australia. She was playing in Melbourne, and I met a bunch of people from her crew at a bar, and they invited me to the show. I got my tour manager to get me some acid: ‘This is written in the stars. I’m supposed to go take acid at this


A Mighty Wind :)

Now playing

I’m sorry. But this is all I can think of.

Do you even go here?

My guy, you are not wrong.

Definitely thought twins!

He describes his fiancée like she is a New Years Resolution to eat more vegetables and floss more. “I told myself I would be in a healthy relationship this year and get eight hours of sleep every night.”

That is unbelievably sad.

Oh hell. Go with K.

Guuurl (#3). He’s cheating! The only reason a dude switches on a dime from fawning affection to weird fights for no reason, engages in petty jealousies for no reason, makes accusations for no reason, and starts NAKED INSTAGRAMMING WITH STRANGERS (emphasis added) is because he’s putting his dick elsewhere.

To quote Dan

Nah, he’s only 2 years in and he’s describing the relationship as an obligation more than anything else. He feels he owes her something and he’s worried about how this fits in with her past.

“The reverse was true when a job attracted more men.”

Yeah, this is what happens to a parliamentary debate champion who has no interpersonal skills. Sure, you can be fluid, but the impression you give is of a reptile fluent in English — creepy as fuck.