
They need to have a ton of gay, lesbian and transgender romantic relationships become part of pop culture, and then we can finally see a portrayal of the Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name: female friendship. And I disagree, I don’t see many portrayals of kick-ass platonic women friends in an action scenario. I am a

Now playing

Agreed. I would have loved to see that. But I guess it’s good we have Crazy Ex-Girlfriend standing up for the bis.

I think what would have been WAY more awesome is BISEXUAL Xena. I LOVED LOVED LOVED Xena growing up. I was ages 9-14 during its run and I remember shipping (before the term came about) both Xena/Aries (God of War) and Xena/Gabrielle.

I am sure that will be the prevailing opinion. I knew it when I was writing it.

It actually might have been more impactful for them to go the other direction.