
I love the sheer weird-artsy-girl joy she takes in hanging out in this weirdly homoerotic bro space SO MUCH

yes, they absolutely look for excuses to be snarky. it’s called clicks, babeeee! really.

it would work on other people. it doesn’t work on tay because we know her too well and we KNOW girl ain’t some punk goth whatever. feels painfully tryhard.

so it’s his dad that was gross, not him. he was 13 and a victim. not fair to call him gross. and he likely says that as a coping mechanism.

now if only some of the other writers had such tact. hell, i’d settle for not attacking each and every person with a different opinion directly like a maniac.


they probably need the $. it’s like an abusive, codependent relationship. : (

where is the line though. WHERE

I had a desperate attraction to sooo many of these in my early-mid-twenties. As Jean Ralphio says in Parks and Rec, the wOooOoorst. But now I can spot them much more easily - thank goodness!!!! Glad I never got hitched to one of those. (I actually got a text from a guy I rejected the other day (we had made out once)


But everyone enables him. This is why famous people have a greater potential of sucking.

And yes, that is a fucking absurd statement. Shut the everliving fuck up.

He’s right about Taylor’s faux normalcy being creepy, but the way he goes about describing it is ridiculous. Feminists have already deconstructed this problem, you dumbass. Maybe you can read up on their take instead of instead of thinking YOU are having a breakthrough or revelation. That’s a totally weird take on

It took me awhile to listen to his Honeybear album because his whole spiel - he started making music independently from the fleet foxes after taking acid and going up a tree, named himself that dumb name, and has that dumb pretentious look - was SUCH a turn-off. I’ve spent enough of my life humoring those


haha what is this from again?

This is the worst shit I have ever seen. Him, the audience...like holy shit. And Melania just seems like some bought bride that’s been roped in. He says “I should have pressed charges against her” in response to the reporter who accused his campaign manager of assault, claiming he, too, was grabbed by her. The crowd

drew has always seemed a well of compassion and spirit...or that’s what comes through on screen. nice to know that emotional intelligence is real

but in such a good way. to me, anyway. i LOVE this look. simple, cool, sexy (that was almost a TLC album...which would be appropro).

Not liking him as an actor is fine...that still seems apart from his philanthropy.
As far as it being for publicity...why not both? I mean, he’s been doing this forever and very persistently, not just every once in awhile, which points to some sincerity. If he gets publicity, that’s cool...it’ll give the causes more

So because he’s privileged we shouldn’t be impressed with his work? There are a million rich douchebags who don’t do SHIT for the world. Yes, we should be applauding those for whom this is a riskier venture. But there’s no reason we can’t tip our hats to him, too.