
Confidence is definitely sexy. That line just made me laugh and was a bit of a turn-off/was anything but sexy to me- just how explicitly spelling things and being super literal usually lands with me. Agree to disagree : )

so you listened to that line and didn’t, like, laugh? it’s just hard to take a sexy song seriously when it’s like sex sex sexy sex! i just prefer sexual songs with a little euphemism. even “let’s get it on,” you know. it’s just so literal and unsexy...that’s all. you can of course have your opinions

yeah i remembered after i posted. same diff. let’s be real - that shit is awful. we can pretend all we like because she dresses cool and seems chill, but it’s bad.

i mean, to be fair, one of the choruses to the songs on the new rihanna is “i do sex so amazing”

I mean, the girls are calling each other whores and sluts. It’s 2016 and yet these are acceptable insults? (For women out of college, no less...)

I don’t think he wasn’t stopped just because he’s not super famous in the US yet. I think it’s because he’s sort of generic looking. I mean - don’t get me wrong - he’s hot as hell, but in a bit of a stereotypically handsome way. He looks like he could be any other strong-jawed handsome walking down the street. Also


parts of this song definitely give me “are you that somebody” aaliyah feels (vid too)...hm

I’ve been buying the steel cut instant kind because I didn’t think the real kind could microwave & I don’t have time for boiling (sue me, snobs!)...this is a revelation...

this would never work for bisexuals.
also...you actually have that rule? or you meant society has that rule?
because...damn, that’s a little cray.


holy smokes. did you bring this up? this seems grounds for a lawsuit.
aaaand did they didn’t actually say “smart untouchable?” the gossipy part of me wants to know how they referred to you. “she’ll/he’ll go for less because s/he’s a townie”? I just want to understand the exact conspiratorial/shit-talking language

I absolutely think there’s a legitimate pay gap, and I buy that some fields are paid lower when women enter them. I wouldn’t be surprised if as men enter nursing, the wage goes up because it’s seen as more skilled.
That said...these are generally not jobs that move the ticker on the economy. They’re jobs that are paid

well that’s disappointing. i like her look and just checked out her music videos...music’s pretty cool, although her pouting with a cigarette in every video (seriously) is pretty obnoxious. cigarettes are cool, apparently.

“a reptile fluent in english.” take all my stars etc etc

What about pit stains, though? Seriously!

I am a single, unmarried 29 year old (WEEP FOR ME) - broke up last year with the man I thought I’d someday marry. Ah well! Long story short - I would totally get married in a Modcloth dress. Yesssirree. I think I may even like some of their pieces more than the super expensive variety. I don’t really get wedding-envy

i considered posting that video on social media as a way to come out as bi (i’m hetero-dominant bi, but bi nonetheless)...but i haven’t worked up the nerve. it is so great!

also...after reflecting...we have so few representations of bisexuality that, even after years of women’s college and friends in the community i

Oh, he can play music - at least the basic stuff on several instruments. I just don’t think he can write good music. Major difference.

what talent? he’s got mad producers in his corner like diplo making cheddar off the bieber brand.