
mother fucker can’t even spring for sour cream & onion, get fucked

Look. I get it. A lot of shitty stuff has happened this year. But this is getting a bit ridiculous. Just Google “Wedding Party Death 2015" and you get an idea of how with thousands of Weddings happening everyday, very bad shit happens at some of them at least once a year.

If we keep blaming the arbitrary time

I don’t think this makes you “that person.” I think this is genuinely interesting and not something that would ever occur to me.

I did not know this.

I didn’t know this. Ugh, let’s just keep the anticipation running high through the holidays, then.

December 19, 2016

Can’t believe I didn’t think of this. Shit.

You can (and people do) ski in tank tops and shorts here in Colorado from about May 1st until the end of June. Sunburn is much more concerning than frostbite. The picture below is not quite as beautiful as the French Alps, however.

Kellyanne is Katrina, but with the ability to form complete sentences. It’s amazing how effective that makes her at peddling lies.

Exactly! This is why we think alike: I, too, left a well-paying job that made me miserable. I’m now doing something that I enjoy but that I’m aware will never make me tons of money (teaching). That’s OK. I make enough to survive. I live modestly—I drive a 14-year-old car, repair my clothes rather than buy new ones,

Same thing when people say that schools should be run like businesses. The two entities have fundamentally different purposes and practices, why would you try to make education fit into a business model? And how’s that experiment working out so far? Our public schools are some of the worst in the developed world. This

I’m still going with rock stupid. I’ve seen too many of his type in my classrooms—all bluster to cover up the fact that they don’t have the capability of abstract thought. Talks a good game but when it comes down to it has nothing of substance to say; that’s stupidity masquerading as bravado. You say he knows

When I hear her speak the only thing I can think is, “How the fuck could she not have been elected? My God.”

He is indeed number two.

How long have you been carrying that chip on your shoulder? It seems heavy.

Oh Fuck yes. Honestly my next request is Caity’s TGI Friday’s adventure into a show.

So cool! Still miss Lindy around here.