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This is kind of an impossible situation, right? Like, everything about this does sound suspicious, but if Donald Trump knows who this is he could still send the death threats. And those death threats would be the most credible death threats.

fivethirtyeight used to be my happy place...

He’s also got a court date for fraud.

The most disappointing thing about this election cycle isn’t the focus on “emails” to the point the word “emails” is shorthand for crime (where no crime exists) it’s that Trump HAS A HEARING FOR ACCUSATIONS OF CHILD RAPE IN 2 WEEKS AND NO-ONE IN THE TV MEDIA MENTIONS IT.

she isn’t paying attention. she is fulfilling her bare minimum obligation being married to this man.

I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

What month is this? October? (October is month 10, multiply by at least 2...) Okay, I have been inappropriately touched by approximately 20 people so far this year alone. And I’m not even a hot piece of ass anymore. A purposeful graze across the breast, an “accidental” erect dick to the backside in a crowded

Side-eyed scales of justice! It’s perfection, and yet, I’ve never noticed it until now. Well, I guess it makes sense, since shade is supposed to be subtle. I was just too dense to lean towards my friend and whisper, “Did she just?” and for her to whisper back, “SHE DID.”


“Foreign affairs.” I see what you did there.

I want to hear the excuses. We all know they’ll be ridiculous, but I just want to hear his campaign try and convince voters that all of these women are liars, they’re all looking for money, they’re all ugly, etc.
The more women who come forward plus the weasley excuses just make him look so much more pathetic.

“People need to focus on the important part of this story, which is that it shows Donald Trump’s extensive record of experience with foreign affairs. Something every president should have.”

Well, let’s see how quickly he can stiff investors, etc. & run this business into the ground. 💅🏾

I’d be shocked if he actually sued — he’d have to talk about his behavior under oath, and he’d open himself up to a lot more accusations. He’s just performing for his base and trying to intimidate his other victims so they’ll be too scared to come forward.

I don’t think Trump even “got” Hillary’s joke about “45 being a good number for a woman.”