
There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

He’s butter

Oh god, please don’t watch, it’s so embarrassing.

Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.


God I fucking dare him to.

BBC Radio, last Friday: “Hillary Clinton, of course, is everything Donald Trump hates: a woman of the same age as him”.

“And of course I think my father will always do the right thing. That’s the type of person he is.”

I’m just horrified.

I hate this man so much.

The Apprentice was a garbage show.

Which, as we all know, is November 28!

The best debunk of Moon Landing hoaxers I’ve ever seen is still the guy who pointed out that the hours of uninterrupted live broadcast which millions of people watched was not only impossible to film without cuts (moreso if they used slow motion to fake low grav), it couldn’t have been stored on any existing hard

When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.

Punctuation is not a crime! Periods are perfectly normal.

I try to think about her rationally, but I cannot get past someone with eyes that narrow, doing their eyeliner in that way.

Whatever, Anderson. The Onion scooped Melania first...

Wait until they hear about fellow Extremely Sincere Poster Leon and his bus: