
Looking forward to your piece on Chumbawumba's receding hairline! :)

why were you hard in the first place?

A pretty good way to get a dude to fuck u is to be like “Yo dude, you wanna fuck or what?”

Honestly I think it’s just going to be a lot of moderators asking him not to talk over her. She’ll win but it won’t be terribly exciting.

She is also frail and disease ridden. Monkeynucleosis in my expert opinion.

I went to the comments of that Gawker article because I was genuinely shocked and saddened by the news and wanted to commiserate, and found a very long comment thread full of people complaining that Jezebel should be closed down instead :/

“Best Restaurant in New York” was pee your pants funny and brilliant. I loved that series so much and Caity and Rich are both so phenomenal.

Maybe Donald thinks they’re hot.

I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?

They’re trying to craft a TBI from a few awkward moments that Clinton’s had while completely ignoring the *constant* actual unhinged and/or awkward statements from their own candidate.

Ms. Clinton suffers from a congenital birth defect. As someone who was also born with this, which is so often stigmatized and swept under the rug, I think it’s time people start talking about it to draw back the curtain and draw attention to it. Let’s talk about it, people! It’s not disgusting! It’s not shameful! It

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.

I dunno, I actually liked his delivery quite a bit and prefer him to Trevor Noah. I think he brought some of the bewilderedness and amused aghastness that Jon Stewart was always good for but with a sharper bent of political satire vs. the bro-ishness of Trevor Noah. The show was a little rough around the edges and the

I also want to see more Mike Yard.

Yes! He had great correspondents! I hope they all go on to be wildly successful. Mike Yard is fantastic and I always liked Grace Parra’s Nightly Nightly bits.

This is incredibly disappointing. It had a rocky start, but his show was really finding its groove and doing important (and funny!) stuff. I hope Larry gets the chance to take his voice and talents elsewhere, a la Sam Bee and John Oliver. Thanks for keeping it 100, Larry.

I am in need of help. My husband received an email on Thursday evening informing us that two years ago a relative (let’s call him Humbert) was arrested and indicted on 8 different charges of solicitation of a minor and possession/distribution of child pornography. The email was requesting character reference letters

This post hurts me.

It really makes you wonder why the media isn’t making a bigger issue of the NAMBLA thing. I don’t know. But I wonder.

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