
One can only hope this is an “extinction burst”. When you’re training a child out of bad behaviour, part of it is withdrawing attention or other rewards for the behaviour. The child’s first response will be to intensify the behaviour, because that’s always worked before. They won’t give up the behaviour until the

He could tear up a picture of Dale Earnhardt or light a confederate flag on fire.

I’m gonna get up on my soapbox and I don’t care. My father is a retired Colonel in the Marine Corp who was a platoon leader in Vietnam in 1968 at 21 who lost 50 of the 100 men whose lives he was in charge of. He was head of security of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, four days after my mom walked out on him. He

Nope. We want him to keep talking. As painful he is to listen to, the more bloviating he does the more voters he’s going to scare away from voting for him.

Yeah, but about 40% of Americans plan to vote for this dipshit, so that doesn’t make me feel great about the state of our country.

I doubt the baby was born or will be raised in South Detroit (since that doesn’t exist), but I have I hopes Journey will someday take the midnight train. Going anywhere.

commentary on a major candidate calling for the assassination of another candidate aside...

I have been wasting time with Gawker media for over a decade and Jezebel since its creation. What the hell am I going to do with myself after this change? Am I suddenly going to become a productive person? I need to go lie down.

This was gonna be my suggestion too!

Can we have Lindy come back as Jez Emeritus and do one more video review of eating gross things, like breast milk popsicles or bubblegum oreos or tree-flavored candy canes or something? PUH-LEASE?

Ungraying the poor people stuck in the grays who are not meany-pants, and occasionally post a silly comment.....asking for a friend....

In both photos I see body language saying “stop touching me".

It isn’t just the fact that Trump will come uncomfortably close to winning that gives me a case of the howling fantods. It’s also the fact that, even assuming he is defeated, he’s brought all manner of disgusting creeps out into the sunlight to frolic and play together. The slow, panicky, painful death of absolute

Whoawhoawhoa- not so fast there: the lads are quite welcome to continue sawing off the limbs they sit on.

I’ve got to say it’s interesting because if you removed the fact that Donald Trump is her father (which amplifies this to wtf territories my mind is too exhausted to bleach out) the things Trump has said about Ivanka would probably fall into a category of sexual harassment in most companies. Ranking her hotness.

Yes. Exactly. For me, currently, a person has to meet one of three criteria (and hopefully not more than one) for me to regard them as a human crap chute and disengage. Those criteria being:

I defriended someone on facebook (and he was definitely someone who was more than a casual acquaintance) because of him saying he was a Trump supporter. We don’t have to have the same viewpoints over everyting but to support Trump, to me, it means you are either a racist and/or incredibly stupid and neither interests

When he travels he only eats fast food because he thinks it’s “cleaner” - that if a fast food chain had an issue, it would be a disaster, so the standards must be higher at fast food places than at random restaurants he might encounter on the road.

I’m not convinced he says or does anything at all when the cameras aren’t on. He just sits there unblinking earning interest.