
Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!

Of course it would be Portland!

I’ve managed to do it. I’ve found that after a couple of weeks, any cravings that I had become “wants” like...yeah I still *WANT* cakes and whatnot, but I don’t have that gravitational force pulling me towards it, I can walk away.

If this means we get to see more of JoJo’s mom, count me in. That lady is an inspiration to wine-swilling broads everywhere. But I’m still sad that they didn’t go with Jubilee. Not surprised, but it’s a missed opportunity, imo.

In the general, I hope Hillary (or Bernie) runs an ad with children repeating Trump’s words. Just the optics of the appalling things he says coming out of the mouth of babes would be so jarring.

Same here. I really want Bernie to get the nomination, and even though I think he could easily take Drumpf down, I feel like Hillary would do it in a way that would cause Drumpf to cry and make his bronzer all streaky. Pros and cons for each of them against Drumpf, but I have to admit Hillary would be more

At this point I think they’d be grateful to cram it back into subtext instead of Trump continuing to make it an overt, blaring, neon billboard in twelve-foot-high letters.

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

I don’t think it’s a question of intelligence; I think it’s one of caring. She will never need an abortion or social welfare benefits, so in her mind those issues are unimportant. It’s like when I hear about how tax plans affect people with a lot of investment income — that’s not me and it’s never going to be me, so

I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.


I wonder if the mothers judge the other mothers on the quality of their daughter’s braids. Instead of “omg her child is so misbehaved!” it’s “did you see the shoddy braid work on little Mary? Her mother should be ashamed!” I bet the gossip in these circles is GOLD.

Srsly wtf kind of braid is thst?

the more i think about / rewatch SATC, the less i love it. le sigh.

That would be the perfect moment for a Jezebel reunion.

I’ve refused to watch any of the republican debates. They’re a circus. A depressing circus where you know the animals are abused and the clowns are all excons but you just can’t look away.

It looks like Trump is doing “puff puff pass”.

True or false: The Oscar’s head is already the gear shift on his new yacht the SS Yeah, cool, you’re a Model. That must be hard. Did I mention I was in Titanic?