
Earlier that month a fan spotted Mr. Hurd in the photo taken with Ms. Douglas at a charity event, then posted it online. Mr. Hurd himself later reposted the photo on one of his Twitter accounts, with a caption saying, "Yeah that's me the falsely accused stalker."

I just cannot believe she didn't know. This has gone on for so many years, in so many locations (including, according to Beverly Johnson, in their family home.) Is she just playing dumb or coy, but really is an enabler? Maybe this is a fetish for them somehow?

He's not gonna have a dime left after two years. There will definitely be a Lifetime movie.

I love Season 1, but Season 2: JonBenet Ramsey will absolutely take over my entire life.

Yeah, check out those nipple doilies.

Hi Brian! Welcome to Jezebel, and congratulations on your objectively assessed hotness!!

Madeleine, this article makes me so happy. More judgement charts!!

Similar thing happened to me while walking in Florence with my co-studiers-abroad. Italian teen leaned into my ear out of nowhere and said something creepy to the effect of "hey sexy american!"

But he's the one who wears a cape, so...

True Tori fans brace yourselves. Dean McDermott says he will be back when the ratings need a boost and they want to sell advertising, so she can get some stuff to fill a few hundred more storage units.

It sounds like you're already doing it, but if this moving process gets overwhelming, get in touch with a local or national women's shelter or domestic violence advocate. They have experience making escape/safety plans, and might have ideas or resources to help you with the move and transition. It might feel weird to

I recently started doing freelance work. I'm not sure if it'll be short or long term, but it's the right thing for now and has some potential. Anyone have any recommendations on books or websites on how to manage my finances? Another other advice? Thanks!

"They want to make their own decisions."

First off, I forgot to say there were also dried cranberries in this concoction. For sweetness and color! Sorry, cranberries, you were not permanently forgotten.

Dinner: Jasmine rice, roasted cauliflower (with garlic, red pepper, cinnamon), chicken bits, tikka masala sauce, cilantro, RED WINE. Yum.

I asked elsewhere, too, but Americans need pin and chip options, too! Who offers those (hopefully with travel benefits)?

Anyone have recommendations on pin&chip cards for traveling Americans?

I sat on a backpack with sharpened pencils inside. Buttcheek pixel tattoo!

Something very similar just happened to me... A coworker with three years less experience was promoted over me. This was literally one day after I received an award from a collaborating organization for doing the things involved in this new job. During "the talk," the supervisor said that I'm my skills are too

God sounds like a dick, Toni.