You know he watches that at least once a day.
You know he watches that at least once a day.
Lenny Kravitz will never have a ‘last fuckable day’. I’ve been crushin’ on him since...Jr High...?
Joy Reid is a goddess. She is kicking ass on MSNBC .
Joy Reid needs to be on tv more, she is great.
My favorite was when she had on the Trump surrogate pastor who tried to pull the ‘Hillary was a birther’ nonsense and she just shut.him.down. “Even a pastor can’t just make things up on my show.” I had such heart-eyes.
It’s not like NBC doesn’t have better people! Maddow was right there! Hell, I would have paid money to watch Joy Reid moderate, she is pretty much a one-woman news station at this point, bringing up the slack for putty heads like Lauer.
Eh, Trump (Donald I mean), lowered the bar in the first place. And considering Ivanka is an active part of his campaign, she’s fair game. So I’m fine with this personally.
We are not giving those men at that disgusting “website” our hard-earned traffic created by our male servant Bobby Finger
Read between the lines: there’s only one reason celebrities are happy to see this dork.
My 21 year old friend wanted Bernie and is voting for Trump because he’s at least upfront in his vileness according to her. I tried explaining what a Trump presidency means for her, a young bisexual woman of Mexican decent. Didn’t get it.
I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.
I know, but don’t feel bad if you like her! I do! COME AT ME, BROS.
Dude, chill.
She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.
Oh haiii did someone say “Worst potential first female president”
Man, I’ve always switched the station when “Fight Song” comes on the radio, but I finally watched that video they made today and I was tearing up and goosebumping like crazy at my desk.
I am so happy. And so excited. That was phenomenal.
I have such a crush on O’Malley and his periwinkle tie.
Bloomberg’s speech gave me LIFE because you know Trump was SO PISSED that Bloomberg said he was richer than Donald and threatened his New York cred.