
If Hillary called for Russia to hack American servers conservatives would suffer from a collective rage-stroke rapture. But let Donald say it, and I’m sure loyal Fox viewers are just nodding, cleaning their guns, and masturbating while fantasizing about the first impeachment of a presidential candidate.

As a Bernie Supporter, I watched them shout through the Elijah Cummings speech and was physically ill.

Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.

The Sanders supporters look really white. Like “GOP interns” white. I’m just saying.

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

Let’s face it - Michelle Obama is the coolest First Lady in the history of first ladies. #oftenimitated #neverduplicated #notevenclose

They live in Waco, y’all. There’s no way they can live there and not be super Jesus-y. It’s the law.

He won’t personally pay anything—Fox News would be sued for the harassment, Ailes isn’t liable as an individual. That’s why they’d get rid of him—he could potentially cost FOX a lot more than $40M (but also because it seems they’ve been looking for an excuse to oust him).

I know this isn’t Shrek related but....I saw this image making rounds on Twitter and have been laughing for like an hour. No idea who created, wish I did.

She also claimed that Donald is very loyal to his family...even though he cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 and then left wife #2 for wife #3.

And the “family values” assholes that wrote the most virulently anti-LGBT platform in US history were cheering her on.

Is it weird that of all the Kim outfits, I’m like, eh this one kind of looks not that bad!

That T is fucking the shit out of that P.

Now playing

Rachel Maddow tore Pence apart a couple of days ago. Watch this when you have a chance’s very illuminating on his character, including his propensity to choke under pressure. Literally choke; he actually freezes at one point during a press conference.

I’m actually surprised by how much snark she is getting for this. I thought it was super cute. She reminded me of my mom, who happens to be a) a terrible/adorable teller of jokes and b) a total badass you would do well not to cross.


Sparrow likes sitting on my lap while I go on feminist internet rants. That makes her a feminist by association, right?

Well Debbie Wasserman-Shultz should have consulted with him first.

Right?! I get that they’re upset their candidate lost. But... He lost. Move on. Beat fucking Trump.