
The gap between Trump and Clinton in Wisconsin is just under 27,000 votes. Nearly 31,000 people in Wisconsin voted for Jill Stein.

Along with Viggo Mortensen and other idiotic third-party-supporting/abstaining public figures.

Bernie Sanders owes the world an apology today. Not for running, which is anyone’s right, but for not stopping the irrational hate and conspiracy theories earlier on and for insisting on fighting to the convention even after it was clear he had lost. I hope he will never forgive himself for what he has done.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.

why is there a man in here

I’m going to be a poll worker, so I won’t be drinking anything but coffee and water. Once I get home, though, I’m going to open the mini bottle of wine that Margiebonz gave me and drink that.

I’m drinking water and peeing every half an hour. HOWEVER, my stress-eating has kicked in like crazy. Last night I ordered two entrees of vodka rigatoni and ate them both. I also ate a slice of chocolate cake, a Twix bar, and three Halloween size M&M bags. This morning I ate 3 eggs and 4 slices of bacon, a protein

My boss is wearing a Ralph Lauren American flag sweatshirt to work today in honor of Donald Trump.

LAY OFF OF MY GIRL, ASSHOLE. (Seriously, she is my hero.)

After this is over she deserves a long vacation and her own timeslot on MSNBC.

john oliver and sam bee are magic.

I never thought a Presidential Election could actually cause me severe anxiety and actual depression at the same time...four years ago, I remember loving Herman Cain, Rick Perry, etc’s ridiculous moments as I knew they were finite and everything would be ok.

Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

I think that is the perfect analogy. Except minus the extra-marital affairs, the reliance on narcotics, and the assassination. Perfect.

Now playing

This video is right up there with my favorite one.

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

As someone who works for Planned Parenthood in a very anti-choice state and was livid watching the debate I thank you. This type of rhetoric puts lives in real danger

Trump is saying all this media bias bullshit solely so after he loses he can launch his TV network and say “this is the only place where you will hear the truth” and all his deplorables will follow him. He will make more money, while the rift between realities grows larger and further divides us.

I donated $50 to Planned Parenthood last night in her name, after seeing her spew the anti-science BS about late term abortion to Chris Matthews.