Last night I felt the same concern from all these women who bravely are telling their stories... :(
Last night I felt the same concern from all these women who bravely are telling their stories... :(
I don’t know if it’s his reporting on Trump but I found him sexy in a geeky way! :P I def give him kisses! I feel it’s my duty as a patriotic new American!
This is so disgusting, but unfortunately I am not surprised.
I would assume around 10p EST... same as POTUS last night... it’s peak of prime time... but double check ;)
Hi Aimée, It’s Dolores not Delores. :)
Property brothers are THE WORST. period. end of the conversation.
This may be silly but Perez is not as “charming” as Castro... He looks too serious, policy-nerd type of politician ... I know that’s a silly reason but Hillary is not the most charming politician either, so she needs someone who can help her in that department...
Thanks for sharing - I just signed the one.
LOL - melanin challenged for Geffen!!
ugh now I wanna see more!!!!!
Thanks - I’m still lost but it’s ok, he’s straight :(
I want to think that they may be misinformed/low information voters? - The more there are more concerted efforts to show who Donald Trump really is they may change their views... maybe?
Bette Middler - So sharp! - Love her!!!
After today - i guess i officially hate them both!
Thank you!
I don’t hate all men, except 100% of republicans... and like 50% of straight dems. :)
OMG I went to IG and the two pics are now deleted!
Bobby, Can you please confirm Martha is a Trump supporter? I follow her in Insta and she has posted a couple of pics with The Donald. Terrifying. Please help.