
Moved from CA to Italy a couple of years ago. Getting my USA-spec Maserati QP and S-Type R Jaguar legalized here was a double eye-opener! Inspection—tough inspection—was just the last chapter in a five-month-long odyssey of paperwork and back-and-forth with the incredibly helpful agency that I hired to assist me.

I’m forever in the debt of the multi-marque dealer’s salesman who talked me out of buying a new BiTurdo back in ‘84, and slotted me into a new SAAB Turbo coupe to replace my aging ‘80 SAAB Turbo coupe.

I lucked into my 2008 Maserati QP GTS while shopping for something else. I won’t say, because it’s so offbeat that I will bore the shit out of most of you. I still may, come to think of it. There are far more BMW fanboys on this site than Maserati fanMEN.

That would have been a better outcome.

He doesn’t live in a vacuum--though you may find one between his ears. It’s just plain antisocially unsafe. DUH.

How about a misuse of apostrophe citation instead?

I like the regulation mail slot in the hood!

Shame on you. Half our planet’s coral is gone and you want to waste some on THIS???

I’m flashing back to the carbon fiber in the big toe incident. Painful.


“It looks cool.” #2 in the Moron Litany. Right after, “Here, hold my beer...”

Karma Kameleon?

Backlight is the term I’ve always used.

It’s acrylic. The colorless polished edges give it away. Lexan polycarbonate has a purplish cast.

Scaldarsi. Q.E.D?

Ummmm...if HE didn’t see the car, how could a dash cam see it?

They named the color after a city in Illinois???

Dear Engineer: #noapostropheneeded, DAMMIT!

Columbine? Dylan? Errr.....

First, last impression: where you gonna find enough Asian Chavs with real money?