I am the best tool for my car.
I am the best tool for my car.
A pastel patina-covered Citroën DS, hiding in the shade.
No way they’re using cut threads, that’s a vastly inferior method to rolled threadforms. The fatigue strength is not nearly the same. I’m also surprised they’d take the head to body strength hit by going with a machined fastener in general.
/Fastener Engineer.
There’s always a faster car. In my years of motoring, which arent that many, I’ve found that chasing speed and “fast” really is just an endless jaunt. It’s better to just drive whatever puts the biggest smile on your face.
Official That Guy™ Comment.
Easier to clean up than shitting softly I suppose.
$80 says David is thinking about buying this
That’s how you know they used authentic Ferrari parts.
Ted Cruz is getting his just chunky soups.
If the Veyron’s development is anything to go on, Bugatti’s two-year delay between launching the Chiron and testing its top speed may not be part of a carefully-planned brand strategy.
Totally agree.
This car is far from unique.
Having worked with carbon fiber quite a lot in my college days: hell no to ANY clothing made out of CF. you will be itchy for the rest of your miserable existence.
My favorite wedge is the one I drove between my wife and her mother :)
Early LP400 Countach. The later ones with wings and body cladding were awful.
High beams aren’t doing anyone any good if you need your fog lights.
As always, context is everythng. The guy, as douchey as he was, yelled exactly one second after she had made a joke about her breasts in a brassiere(?) that made her look like snowman(?).
“I don’t want to speak your language”
I heard the birds were isis sympathizers,this was confirmed by checking their twitter accounts.
Two words: