
Exactly she should have totally hit up the sweet bartendar...damn!

Why is the chick in the stock image sleeping in a truck full of foundation and powder? That's how you look like 42 at 24 lol

Yes Gawker with a malleable 'feminist' agenda.

15 LBS in 10 fricking days btw.

I lost 15 lbs from drinking maple syrup and and lime on a similar diet. That's all I had everyday...everyday. It was horror, and I gained every pound back and more. Would not repeat...ok I'm thinking of repeating.

Still no excuse to share private details, dead or alive. Amirite?? No? Ok...

Friend, but it is! I hate the thought of us disregarding people's last wishes. Since we'll all turn to dust soon enough, wouldn't you like to know that the human family that you were once were/is a part of respects your memory? Ok if you say no, I understand but frankly I don't feel the same way. Respect due man, not

RIP, let's hope justice (if needed) is swift.

If someone doesn't want their letters read, why publish them? What about respecting their last wishes? Is that not a thing anymore?

You must be really obsessed with this phrase to pen a an article on it. I'm guessing you're horny.

Smith is a women's college not a trans-women's college. They shouldn't be obligated to accept this gender in the same way they aren't obligated to accept trans-men or men.

It is what it is.

That was just too awesome for words, someone make this kid famous now. I was touched, humored, amazed at his talent...blown away.

There's Dodai the token mulatto.

@TRACIE for the record this didn't happen to a 'wang', it happened to a person. Check yourself.

I am really disgusted by the insensitivity of this article. It trivializes this man's suffering. If a woman's vagina was damaged in a similar work accident would it be acceptable to file it under 'pussies' ? Would the story have a belittling lead and insensitive attempt at a joke/pun? "He is reportedly really

Not a yank, just a not-so-proud member of a former British colony.

Very unhygienic, I'm too busy trying to keep my pussy smelling fresh to be jamming dicks up there. Also, any man who wants to fuck me while the walls of my uterus are crashing down must be very fucking strange. No bueno.

No Jezebel, she's famous for something....fucking (mediocrely)

Jezebel has promoted a lot of this Hathaway hating.Every other article is about how she's so strange and blah blah. Clearly the idea of sisterhood means nothing to these "feminists". Women should build other women up, not tear them down because its trendy or for a few poorly written articles on a sub-standard online