
Yes it does sound that way and some of what this woman was saying was a little regressive to me ( but every movement has its splinter groups and so does every branch of philosophy or religion. You may not agree with her stance but who

I'd like to watch this video on LSD.

You're serious? Yea I caught onto them when they tore a 'pro-life' feminist to shreds quite unjustifiably last year. I understand that we can disagree but I want to know whose fucking place it is to tell another woman that her feminism isn't feminism. We are all on a journey here.

Damn straight.

They purport to be but yes, point very well received.

She's been on the Jezebel kill list for a while now (along with a steadily climbing Anne Hathaway). I have always thought it a bit unfair how much coverage her love life gets and why a feminist blog like Jezebel would think it's cool to contribute to the clearly sexist media blood letting. We're not saying Swift isn't

Female fertility begins its descent in one's 30's so starting a family (especially if you want a big one) while in one's twenties is a smart idea for women, especially if they want to space their births to give their bodies time to bounce back.

I really didn't believe my size 10 boss when she told me that she was once a size 7.5 before the birth of her two girls. Well, damn then, at a size 9 will I be an 11? I shudder at the thought of buying in the freak section of the shoe stores.

Wait, 21 is extremely young? In which century? And aren't they married and adult? Come on Doug, get it together please you're killing my Sunday Jezbuzz.

Ever since I moved to Italy I've been faced with wide-scale location discrimination. Think of your international audience when you post these videos. Sure the US may be your major audience but thousands of users, perhaps millions all over the world(including Italy) would like to see the videos too.

Got 5 new pimples on my face and right now I'm at the point where I don't give a shit about the pimples, it's the acne scars that come after that pisses me off. That stays for years and makes me really insecure about my skin. I just want to be one of those people who can rock a no foundation look without wondering if

They're using her image without her knowledge or's as simple as that.

Sorry, I think she looks stunning in their make-under. She is a really gorgeous without all that gunk on her fact, but to each her own. Tracey you're over-doing ...again.


You know I LOVED her in the Hunger Games but she comes across as extremely obnoxious in these interviews. The Jez worship isn't helping either. Every other article is we'd love to bake cookies with Jennifer Lawrence, isn't Jennifer Lawrence so quirky and awkward like us - the real Girls- like on we're on GIRLS. It's

You know I LOVED her in the Hunger Games but she comes across as extremely obnoxious in these interviews. The Jez worship is helping either. Every other article is we'd love to bake cookies with Jennifer Lawrence, isn't Jennifer Lawrence so quirky and awkward like us - the real Girls- like on we're on GIRLS. It's so

What hope is there indeed? Black women should reject major fashion brands and support the people in our community. There are amazing fashion designers here in the Caribbean and no it's not all white linen dresses, beach wraps and barely there dancehall attire. The point is, if we exercised our consumer muscle more



It's expensive as fuck in Europe. OPI runs for 14 euros, that's almost 19 dollars for one nail polish?!! Don't get me started on the prices for the Make up forever. I go in there nonetheless, I stare and fantasize about all the beautiful things I'll be able to buy if I get a job after this Masters. Sometimes it's a