I didn’t know the Hapsburgs were still around.
Ask the Seattle baristas how in touch with his obligations he was during the fifteen dollar minimum wage fight.
It’s amazing how trump seems to have known no one in the White House!
Hasn’t he slouched back off to R’leyh yet? It’s almost spawning season.
It’s really a shame to see the Senate become Donald’s Mitch.
But seriously if you have dem reps tell them to HOLD THE LINE! DO NOT NEGOTIATE WHILE THE GOVERNMENT IS SHUT DOWN
Wow, that sure does sound like something a dictator does, threatening private citizens and making the people afraid to talk. How much longer is this shit going to go on? He’s actually trying to turn the USA into a dictatorship and no one cares.
Wow. Our entire government is being strong armed by the Russian mob. What a proud moment in time to be American.
So, we got Trump for obstruction? Someone tell the House.
I’m shocked.
Republicans seemed very happy to attack victims of school shootings.
I hope you regret the missed headline opportunity on this one: