Green Lion - Screamer in Congress

Yeah that was disappointing :( 

Eat shit, trolls.

I only knew him as one of Wil Wheaton’s friends on his Tabletop series, but then I started watching @midnight which I LOVED. Him turning out to be a giant piece of shit like an ex of mine was honestly a huge blow.

The Hill interview was a fucking disgrace. They just turned the tape on and let him fucking ramble. Embarrassing for everyone involved.

Yup. Us shrieking harpies are coming for you all. Be afraid.

I know this is going to go nowhere but can I just say - I am really enjoying watching these old, out of touch white men get read the riot act by women and POC.

I enjoyed this journey.

The president* keeps using all these different words, but all I hear is “WAAAAAAHAHHHHHH!!!1!!1 Someone change my diapy!!!

Savage but fair.

I will never, EVER get tired of Aretha shading TSwift.

omfg just get a room you guys

The silver fox thing is WORKING for them. *rowr*

*is crushed by the irony*

Fellow Untapped badge whore here! It’s like adult Girl Scouts.

It makes me irrationally angry.

“her feminine wiles.”

Fare thee well Joanna. I always enjoyed your articles, esp the one where you wore a tail for a week. Good luck!

Dat ‘v’ tho

No way she wrote that.