Green Lion - Screamer in Congress
Now playing

Exactly what I needed today. I am an internal goth - dark AF on the inside due to major depressive disorder, so I wear colors on the outside to cheer myself up. It works about half the time, music takes care of the rest.

Tell us how you really feel Donny

One of your best, Mr. Finger.

Between this and the incel article (which scared the crap out of me), when I get home I’m crawling under a blanket with a bottle of whiskey and a book. Jesus.

Raoul is totally a moron though :) If you read the original novel, he’s a ridiculous pansy.

I bought a ticket to hate-watch Love Never Dies next month. Perhaps I will live tweet it. It’s going to be AWFUL.

Needs moar stars. True fact.

I would like to see this on a billboard along a major highway.

Didn’t he say that shit at a “tax roundtable?” The one where he threw out his prepared remarks because “what the hell?”

I never liked Dodds.

I’m on antidpressants but I voted Pets. To be fair I’m on a relatively mild dose though, and my kitties are my children.

is this leftover dialogue from “The Room” or

Never go full Duterte.

I had to google this and I approve heartily!


What the fuck is Scott Lloyd’s damage?!?

Won’t someone think of the thin white people?!!1!?