Green Lion - Screamer in Congress

All that’s missing is the patronizing “Young Lady!”

What. The. Fuck.

The sound the steamer makes while steaming eggnog is like a scream of a madman falling into a Lovecraftian vortex.

What a lovely gesture from Mr. I’m Totally Not Compensating for Anything.

They are THAT couple on FB. Got it.

“In a few years, I’ll be dating you.”

I read the article and was IMMEDIATELY tempted to try it. I guess it’s for real.

Ladies, you know what to do! Tweet Mr Grassley a picture of yourself, in a movie theater, with booze!

I weep for humanity.

I will always star Raul Esparza

I am really enjoying the fact that each picture of Sessions makes him look like Smeagol transforming into Gollum.

I really enjoyed the imagery of this (funnel web spiders scare the SHIT out of me)

“first weaponized bro”

Stephen Miller?

Chances are someone at work will show up in cat ears or dressed like Shrek, and you’ll have to go to a costume contest at lunch, where someone will hand you a hee-larious Trump mask and you’ll be forced to pose for a group pic for HR.

If you ever thought the Phantom of the Opera story was too scary, this is the picture for you!

Matt, nobody cares what you think about this.

This Jane Doe story makes me want to breathe fire.

Reince Priebus is talking to Mueller now