Green Lion - Screamer in Congress

Thank you!

This is now going to a 404 page. Anyone else got a source?

This is glorious and I am saving it for future use!

Yup. Start the clock.

Someone fetch that man a Scotch.

Is no one going to fix the typo? I want to vote for Siren!

Babadook vs Baba Yaga is the hardest choice I ever had to make.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than avocado toast, but here we are.

Lol BURN :)

I’m glad they are doing this, but did anyone else click on this article just to see if there was a shitstorm in the comments?

Well that explains a few things.

I said something simliar on Splinter but here’s a new one:

“I have a great heart for these people. It’s in my desk drawer with a silver knife through it. Gift from the Saudis.”

I like my reality TV extra trashy like Tila Tequila’s “A Shot at Love.”

He is THISCLOSE to bragging that he has the biggest hurricanes.


She’s more interesting when she’s mean.

Hot damn I forgot about this song!