Hexxus made pollution SEXY (well, Tim Curry had a hand in that)
Hexxus made pollution SEXY (well, Tim Curry had a hand in that)
Ferngully was better.
Too real
“dollar store Eva Peron”
I just lost more brain cells watching that video than I did drinking a bottle of wine last night.
Thanks for the links. I just emailed them.
thank you *sniff*
The memoir is also billed as a “cautionary tale,” about the adversarial forces that might have had a hand in the “stranger-than-fiction” election.
Me too. I feel like I should be used to this by now, but sometimes the cruelty just takes my breath away. Today was one of those days.
He sounds like our President.
“They’re taught to suppress their sense of humor during their formative years,” Miller, who’s currently starring in The Emoji Movie
Fingers crossed
Donald, that’s democracy.
EXACTLY. It would be funny if it weren’t so painful.
I tried to find a picture of Kim Jong-un in a truck but Google failed me.
I miss her :(
what in the actual fuck
I had an Eponine phase during high school. As in a long mans coat, camisole top, long skirt, and a flat cap.